i dont know what to do please help

  • Rachel
    19 years ago

    ok ive been going out with guy for almost a month and i love him and i want to tell him i love him but im scred to and its hard to breath when i get up the courage to talk ot him so i just say never mind
    WHAT DO I DO?...email me toolrocksme2@yahoo.com PLEASE!

  • Brookeღ
    19 years ago

    I agree you have to have communication. At your age you could say it in a poem. See how he reacts to that and go from there. I can understand it being hard to say I love you to him first. If you truly mean it why hold back let the door to communication open. In the long run you will find you can talk to him about everything that's on your mind. Once you have established honesty you shouldn't feel that nervousness to have a discussion.

  • Brookeღ
    19 years ago

    JPM "There's a lot of psychology in this."
    True anxiety, possibly low self esteem, there could be a number of reasons. At least she is willing to make an attempt. Perhaps she is terrified of being disappointed by his answer. That doesn't always imply "daddy left mommy and you". When you're inexperienced you have to learn some how and of course you are bound to feel anxiety.

  • R F
    19 years ago

    Oh my god SofD i really agree with you,its too hard,i believe that its all coz of the Rejection fear! nothing else,Let her wait a while.

    mate,make sure enough that he likes you,i think
    its kinda easy to know if someone likes you or not,i even believe that he knows that you love em "if he was smart enough" ,these things are pretty abvious!