• M J U
    18 years ago

    Hey Amanda...thanks for rereading some stuff. I look at yours and also look forward to your next piece of work. I have been busy with so much that I've had little time to put anything in. Also, I have been inspired to write and can't find the time. I'd love to chat with you so maybe we can use this message area to throw some ideas around. Hope to talk to you soon and looking forward to what you have next! :-) Matt

  • Amanda Bee
    18 years ago

    Hi Matt!!! Great idea about using the forum. I use this much more than the chat room! So, what's up?

  • M J U
    18 years ago

    Not a lot. Just overwhelmed with some work stuff but other than that, life is fine. How are you? I love your work if you haven't figured that out by now. You truly have a great talent within and hope you will continue. Since you don't post an email and since I will not ask to invade your privacy I will check this periodically and hopefully have time to chat at almost real time. Talk to you soon.


  • Amanda Bee
    18 years ago

    I love your work too Matt. Really, your poems are amazing! And you are like the sweetest person ever. I love the poem you wrote titled Around Me. Words just can not express how much I appreciated that!

  • Amanda Bee
    18 years ago


  • Amanda Bee
    18 years ago

    So, what are your favorite things to write about?

  • M J U
    18 years ago

    Sorry Amanda.....I am nonstop with work and just got in and running. Anyway, I guess I base my romantic side on my ups and downs in relationships. It seems to inspire me when I am at my best or worst. Since I am not in a relationship I am more idle in my emotional writing. I guess that's good. Sometimes I just look at the world an see what's going on and go with my heart. How about you? What is your motivator?
    FYI...I will be at my office on Monday from noon til 6pm and will be online more then. I will try to check back tonite when I get in.

  • Amanda Bee
    18 years ago

    My motivation comes from so many places. Sometimes I'll watch a movie or see something on T.V. and start imagining what that person might feel like. Plus I LOVE to read everything (especially romance novels :)) so I get alot of inspiration from books. When I am sad I write the most to express my feelings. Most of what I write comes from my own personal experiences.

    You said you'll be in the office on Monday. What do you do, (if you don't mind me asking)?

  • Amanda Bee
    18 years ago

    Sorry, but I'm a nosey girl...


  • M J U
    18 years ago

    {smirk} I like nosey girls!! Not too worry it must have been handed down by your dad. I had worked for a local sheriffs department as a reserve deputy and 911 dispatcher and then a local p.d. as a dispatcher. In November I joined a brand new airline which flies from this area to Cancun. Sadly, things did not go well and we will only be around for another month. So, I am considering going back to disatching or similar. How about you? (Sorry, I'm inquisitive and don't blush!!!)

  • Amanda Bee
    18 years ago

    *blushes even more *

    Wow! You were a 911 dispatcher? How exciting. I am an English teacher. So I have my share of excitement too (you know, crayons in the nose, arguments over who will be the line leader...the usual). I teach first and second grade English. I love kids so much.

    So when did you start writing and how long have you been writing?

  • M J U
    18 years ago

    I like when you blush! Myu exgirlfriend is a 7-8 Spec. Ed. ( I guess that's why she liked me for awhile?) I too, love kids except I haven't sired any yet and don;t think I will since I am getting old.
    I started writing when I was 10 and love to just be creative. I've been trying to work on some new things but time is often iterrupted and it spoils the flow of thought. Hope to hear from you soon. I posted a couple new poems. Can';t wait for you next one....hope it is soon!

  • Amanda Bee
    18 years ago

    I've finally posted some new poetry. I've been inspired lately to write more. I am trying different things now; different styles. I want to write more free verse poetry and try to challenge myself. Check them out and see what you think. I read your new stuff and they were great, as always.

  • M J U
    18 years ago

    By unanimous decision, I vote you A #1. You never seize to amaze me. I am so impressed with your presentation of various forms of poetry that I too, would like to challenge myself in the same way but do not want to be a "copycat." So, I will look into the big book of "poetry styles" and see what I can come up with. Do limericks count? No Haiku please.....reminds me of 2nd grade.....oops....nothing wrong with 2nd grade mind you. :-) I think you are top notch. Thanks for brightening my's been a bit rough lately. Talk to you soon....I hope.

  • Amanda Bee
    18 years ago

    Hey Matt! Feel free to be a copycat. I don't mind at all, really I don't. Go for it. It has been really good for me and it has shown me that I can do a whole lot more than what I usually do. Plus it's a lot of fun. If you find any new styles in your poetry books be sure to let me know so I can try them out too. *HUGS*

  • M J U
    18 years ago

    How come you always know just what to say and make the world feel so good? I've never been into internet chat stuff and was so thankful to have found this poetry site and now to have a wonderful person like you, (if I can borrow a line from the Sound of Music)...."I must have done something good!" Talk to you soon.........thanks for the hugs...:-)

  • Amanda Bee
    18 years ago

    "How come you always know just what to say and make the world feel so good?..."

    Well, it's because I practice. Not really. Ha! Ha! It's because you are such a nice person that it just comes easy:)
    Talk to you soon, too:)

  • M J U
    18 years ago

    you always blush......rosey cheeks and an even rosier disposition.......thanks for making my day, again!

  • M J U
    18 years ago

    Hey Amanda...I have a question instead of throwing to the wolves. I tried the forum and I got responses that made me feel like I was the bad guy. anyway, how is it that people can write a poem (and I will not say whether it is good or bad because each person has their own style...though a few I have seen were pretty crappy) and have about 3000 visits in less than 2 days and a ton of votes but limited comments? My thoughts are hey hit it themselves nonstop for about 24 hours and vote on their own as much as they can just to get it featured on the front page. I am not saying I deserve it or mine are any better but really, if you see some of them and what is written it is far from justified. Anyway, I trust your answer. Talk to you later.

  • Amanda Bee
    18 years ago

    You know what, that is a good question and I am sorry to tell you that I have no idea. I was wondering about that too. Because you can only vote on your own poem like one time. So, I guess they are not voting for themselves. This is totally something to investigate. I have seen that too and I will say it bluntly, some of those poems are CRAP! Ha. If you find out tell me and if I find out I'll tell you, ok? :)

  • M J U
    18 years ago

    Fair enough my lady fair. Hope all is well on your end. I had asked before and people responded like I was an idiot (which is besides the point anyway!) and nobody seemed to care. I just can't imagine a poem written a day ago would attract so many hits unless the person has an email list like a bridal registry and sends it halfway 'round the world. Talk to you soon. :-)

  • M J U
    18 years ago

    I hope you are on vacation since I haven;t talked to you or seen any new poetry. Hope you are well.