Analyze this quote, part 6

    18 years ago

    This is a very intriguing quote!
    I agree with you both! There are at least three sides to everyone!
    I can honestly say no one know's the "real" me, including myself! It's not that I put up a front, but life happens. Each event or occurence changes me! Whether it's my feelings or perspective...I like the honesty conveyed in this quote~Holly

  • Mel
    18 years ago

    I guess this is all about the persona - the apect/s of a person's character that is presented,or, indeed, perceived by others. We all have many 'faces' in this world, and the person who thinks he knows me at work would be shocked at the 'me' my partner knows - and that goes for us all.

  • Amanda Bee
    18 years ago

    This one was hard but what I think it is saying is that the real John is who we really are and only God knows this side of us. We often hide this person from others because we are afraid of what they might think of us. The second John is who we strive to be, which is based on views of our society. (That supermodel, celebrity image that so many are desperately trying to act/look like.) And the third John....hmmm. I'm still thinking about that one.