Intelligent chat: The worlds hardest occupation.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    What, in your mind, is the most difficult career out there? Why do you place it above all others and do you think you could do that job to a level that would satisfy your perception of it?

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    18 years ago

    I believe that the President of the United States has the hardest occupation.

    Or, to be more specific, the leader of the world most prominant hyper power at any given time.

    I think it's pretty self explanitory. Their actions are judged all over the world, and their decisions effect everyone the most. They have the most responsibility and their actions are forever marked in history to be judged, critiqued, etc.

  • Amanda Bee
    18 years ago

    Hmmm. That's hard. I would have to limit it to one of two types of jobs. Either an occupation where you risk your life, (such as a policeman or a fire fighter) or an occupation that has to deal with garbage in any shape or form (such as a garbage man or a janitor). I place these above all others because risking your life is something that has got to be extremely hard to do day after day. And the same goes for dealing with garbage, puke, waste, etc. (in my opinion). Especially since these types of occupations have such low salaries. I don't think that I could do these types of jobs to a level that would satisfy my perception of them...especially when dealing with ickiness.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Either a fluffer for an actor who is reaching the end of his career....or a porn star reaching the end of his to speak.

  • Eibutsina
    18 years ago

    Being a mother...alot of people don't see it as a fulltime occupation but believe me it is. Your a doctor, psychologist, carer, chef, taxi driver, dentist, the time of one day. And thats just naming a the fact you can never rest completely because you always worry...where they are, how there going, when they'll be home, why they don't feel better and what you've done wrong or right...its endless and you continue to work well past when the clock stops ...

  • Eibutsina
    18 years ago

    eeeeeeeeeeew JHarrison thats a job?
    Abortionist can be easy either...
    Social working with children from violent, poor, drug related families would be heartbreaking as well.... :o(

  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago

    Being a teacher at my school here in Finland. Students don't even respect their teachers, and that's sad. They call their teachers names and everything.


  • Dorotea©
    18 years ago

    Well, yes I agree with that. But in China, where I grew up, students really respected their teachers. So it was kind of a shock when I came here.

    It doesn't only have to do with being a teenager, it has to do with the responsibility of parents.

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    I highly, highly, highly,highly doubt that the president of the USA has the hardest occupation. What about the presidents/leaders of the countries that he choose to attack? What about the soldiers over in Iraq? I saw an interview wiht a few of them. They didn't know why they were there, and constantly feared to be shot.

    I don't think Bush has a very hard job, as he spends half the year on vacation.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    An interesting and wide spread range of occupations.

    For me the hardest job in the world is that of a man of faith, be it a Priest, Rabbi, Vicar, Imam or any other type of clergyman.

    It is nothing short of incredible that a person can devote their every waking second in devotion to something that cannot be proved or disproved until we die. To go through the worst that life has to offer, seeing loved ones die of disease, for example, and still thank God for the world he created and all that he provides.

    For me it is the ultimate test of character and life. I would bet that there are maybe only two or three people on this site that could attain such heights.

    And I'm not one of them.