Serious writers much wanted

  • Sean
    18 years ago

    Same, bit the bullet and commented...taking faith in the thought that no interpretation of a poem is wrong, as my english teacher used to say.

  • Shædow Poet
    18 years ago

    I read the comment you left on JH's poem. I must say I think your responce was more indepth than mine... I just thought I would comment on that. Well done for it, it brought on a whole new meaning for the poem.

    Nice write, JH.

  • Sean
    18 years ago

    Didn't help that i didn't know what a 'acrostic' was until just now (and still unclear of the definition)

  • Shædow Poet
    18 years ago

    Do you mean, as in, a word spelt directly down? Ok, hard to explain. But something like
    Don't live
    Every cell.

    Like... DIE... that was a horrid example, but all I could come up with at this moment. It's self-explanitory.

    18 years ago

    Can I ask one thing?
    In a acrostic poem are you allowed to have it in a sentence for each letter or does it have to be 1 word?
    And does the poem have to be related to the word it makes?

  • Sean
    18 years ago

    Deconstructionism: In art and literature, a tendency to subvert or pull apart and examine existing conventions having to do with meaning and individualism. Whether using language, images, or building elements, deconstructionists raise questions about meaning, materials, forms and other aspects of artistic expression.

    (Stolen off the net)

    Explains alot, thanks.

    18 years ago


  • Sean
    18 years ago

    If people are to give comment to me i'm really trying hard to get 'Cascade of love' to work, i've already made one revision now after encouragement by Sunny..

    To some writers, if i do not comment it is probably because your writing is so surpassed mine that i find it impossible to give critique worthy of it, and it's just generally hard for me to do as i firmly believe everybody who is a part of this is a much, much better writer than i.

  • Sean
    18 years ago

    Thank you for compliment and assurance, i am not one of confidence.

    I just had to make it clear, because i always fear over stepping my place if you understand i feel it's not my place to critique anothers piece of work, but i do try.

    I can tell from you lot that i shall develop my writing skills enourmously using this method.

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    Chris, can you take control of this thing a few days?

    I won't have much time from now on...

    Can you decided who is to be included and make a list?



  • Synyster
    18 years ago

    I guess I'm not wanted here...

  • Sean
    18 years ago

    Well, from the looks of it alot of people do have time to offer critique..

    I guessed people would start to complain, and that is the pathetic part.

    Enslavements poetry for alot of it is beautiful aswell, so i can't see what you're geting at, maybe annoyed that you weren't asked to join?

    Edit - I'm for anybody who actually does have a wish to improve, and puts genuine effort into what they write, people who will offer good advice on a piece and not something which offers no help at all.

  • Synyster
    18 years ago

    Oh well. They're everywhere these days. You have to put up with them.

  • Synyster
    18 years ago

    I am a very serious writer. I believe that poetry is the door to your soul. It shows more than just the words, It's you, in essence. What you write is a portrait of yourself and the spirit within. I refuse to post work unless I am sure I want it to represent me and what I am. i write of my struggles, my thoughts, my longings... Everything that is essentially me and I want to have more than a nonchalant rating and half-brained response to my work. I want real critique, because it would serve me better in my aristry - to develop it to its fullest potential.

  • Sean
    18 years ago

    add me there, Chris. (You may find my profile bizzare though :p)

  • Synyster
    18 years ago

    So am I allowed into your group, or shall I leave you alone...?

  • Synyster
    18 years ago

    Chris: Did you read my post? I'm about as serious as they make 'em when it comes to poetry.

  • Sean
    18 years ago

    Maharani of Angels, the post about how serious you are wasn't required...the real way you can tell is by reading both your works and comments, as you can say what you like about what you write.

    I have no qualms with you being a part of this though either (Only offering my opinion because nobody really has hold of the reigns yet, so group decision is the only thing we have to rely on thus far)

  • Sean
    18 years ago

    When it reads down it says 'Tracie i love you so much' (soppy statement i know)

    On the revised poem, it read 'Tracie i love you much'

    I missed out the two lines which begin with S and O.

    So i've now included it.

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    Sure, Untouchable...

    All my poems suck...

    THey are horrible...especially the one that won the weekly award...Just crap!

    And the other writers here suck too..I know...Chris walker is so bad...and sunny doesn't know what poetry is...they are all just a bunch of ignorant kids all of them..


    Can you please tell me what is so bad about them?

    And how is this a pathetic post?

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    Enslavement of Beauty
    Chris Walker
    Amanda Bee
    Mike Glass
    Shædow Poet
    Holly Armer
    Maharani of Angels


    That's the list!

  • Synyster
    18 years ago

    Untouchable has issues... Gave me a 1/5 and said the rhyming took away from the poem, though it was an a-b-c-b type poem that's going to be a song... What do you think?

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    well Chris, that means she loved your poem..

    gave it top score...


  • Natalie84
    18 years ago

    Untouchable would you be scared to ask if you could join such a club? That's what it seems like. Just for the record everyone here can read....i.e. your poems. ;)

  • Sean
    18 years ago

    Ah, for the profile i use on myspace i used '' - the email i sent is more personal outside use in that pm.

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    What is myspace and how do i make a profile there?

  • Sean
    18 years ago

    It's a place where you make a profile, of intrests, yourself, pictures, music, etc...

    Has a blog function too, with mini forums etc and groups you can make.

    Just sign up via the site.

    (The key to the site is you add your friends with profiles on the site, and it becomes like a large network between people)

  • Natalie84
    18 years ago

    Untouchable ( F P C D ) at 2005-06-22

    awful poem. And who's that big-headed ugly alien looking baby?

    A comment sweet untouchable left me....LMAO
    HAHAHAHA This was the best she could do....

  • Synyster
    18 years ago

    I'm at

  • Natalie84
    18 years ago

    Poetic Garbage? You mean the lines you have running through y....ok never mind. That was mean. Untouchable show some class and grow up.

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    I would perhaps accepted your points of view, Untouchable, if your poems were much better than those written by the members of this group.

    Sadly, they aren't.

    This is not an attempt to be rude, but none of the poems I've read of you can compare themselves to ANY I've read written by Chris, for instance, or any other member.

    For all I care, you may continue being such an ass, because, and I think I speak for all now, it doesn't bother me at all.


    I'll enter myspace soon

  • Natalie84
    18 years ago

    I want to be an animal (memeber of this group)

  • Natalie84
    18 years ago

    Though I know my poetry doesn't even compare to yours I would like to be part of this.

  • Natalie84
    18 years ago

    Ok so what do I have to do....Ok never mind. I'll go up and read and send you what's needed.

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    I believe that is mine.....

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    By the way, I'm writing a poem at the time being called "The Silent River"...

    Would anyone care to read it, even if it gets really long (Like "The Nights of the Lost Songs"?)...



  • Natalie84
    18 years ago

    i guess is what you need. I already had a profile just didn't realize it.

  • Sean
    18 years ago

    Main thing you guys need to do when you create a acount is to log in to your myspace and accept either me or Chris as friends so we can then invite you into the poetry group.

    (If you don't mind me helping out, Chris. Presumed you wouldn't mind though)

  • Natalie84
    18 years ago

    Chris my job is so incredibly boring. Would you like to trade?

  • Natalie84
    18 years ago

    I'm still trying to figure this MySpace thing out.