George Bush

  • Sean Allen
    18 years ago

    that is a pretty reasonable opinion

  • cal
    18 years ago

    goodness gracious. whether you like the current president or not there is nothing you can do about it now. so either show him some respect and support this country you live in or move to canada ok?

  • pinkalias
    18 years ago

    cal: hush

    I don't disprove or approve of Bush, I don't exactly know where my standpoint on him is, but I think people very much deserve the right to bash their current leader if they do not see right in their actions.
    If a president ended up being a blood thirsty maniac who declared war for near to no cause and stole money out of American's pockets, would you show them respect merely because they were elected your leader?

  • cal
    18 years ago

    well hon, if that were the case, then i wouldn't sit at some website all day and complain in a forum about him/her.

  • TragicRomance
    18 years ago

    My dad go sent overseas. He had to go out there and fight. I still agree with Bush! I too, admire him! He is great president! That's what I think.

  • aaron c s
    18 years ago

    my bro was killed in afghanistan 2 months ago but i still agree with bush cause if i didnt then i would think my bro died defending nothing but he died defeding this nation and our president.

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    I am not too up to snuff on politics and I understand alot of people don't like Bush. And yes, he is a horrible public speaker; however as for questioning how smart he is, you cannot under any circumstances call the man an idiot. If you wish to blame him for economic problems, then i would like to remind you of a small insignificant day that will go down in history books as 9/11. That may have played a small part in our economic drop--along with the reason we are overseas fighting in a war, rather than sitting on our asses like it never happened. Did I agree to going to war with Iraq, no, but I did agree with going to war against Afghanistan. I do not, however, agree with pulling out of Iraq now. If you folks don't recall, back in the 70's I believe, we helped one of those countries--I think it was Afghanistan--when communist Russia was trying to take them over. We supplied troops and weapons to their defense, and after everything was done, we up and left. That was one of the reasons they didn't like us, because we didnt stay to help them rebuild their country. If we leave Iraq now we will have a bigger problem in the future. Does post WWI Germany ring a bell. Germany was left desolated, absolutely wasted economically and blown to shit. When a people are that devastated they follow the next most confident, charasmatic leader to come out of the crowd. And that is how a lovely man named Adolf Hitler came into power. I mean he didn't do too much. Started a small skirmish called World War II, tried to annihilate an entire race, and take over the world, but anyways, whose keeping track right. And for those of you who would rather listen to the U.N. I have one question--Why? When has the U.N. sacrificed their own men to help an enslaved people, or put themselves on the line to do what is right, whether others want them to or not. No seriously guys, fill me in. In Africa in Rowanda, I don't think so. Did they send people to Kuwait, nope I believe that was us and some other COUNTRIES aagin--not teh United Nations. Why? Well because in the words of Dave Chappelle oh yeah because they don't have an army. They are however very good being politically correct and playing both sides of the fence. That was precisely the reason we didn't join the League of Nations when the idea first came up. Another question, how could Bush be to blame for the biggest drop in the stock market history. Wasn't there something called The Great Depression. Yes, maybe the stock market fell more points under Bush than it did during The Great Depression, but we don't have the same results. So what's worse a stock market that dips sevreal thousand points, or one that falls a couple hundred and sends a nation into a depression where people are poverished without food and shelter. HHHHMMMM, I think I would go with the second one, hundreds are less than thousands; I mean, how important is food anyways. And his economic plan actually helped keep the slight recession (not depression) to a minimum. Oh yes one more thing, who else would we have elected given our options: John Kerry, or Ralph Nader, or maybe you people would rather have voted someone in from one of those parties whose biggest issue at hand is legalizing marijuana. Just to let you all know, we would be in a deep shit hole if Kerry had been elected. Want to know why, probably not, but I will share anyways. What were his plans for America when he became president--not do what George Bush is doing now (I probably could have quoted that on several accounts by the way). Well, maybe it is alright for some, but I don't think that is the way our President should be, not knowing what he is going to do, only what he is not going to do. Ohh yes, except in foriegn policy where he stated that he would sit down and have isolated talks with kim jung-il (or however you spell his name). Yes that is great, let's have one -on-one discussions, cause that will be more influencing than having us and a group of other countries sitting down and telling him what we want. Cause going to war with one country is scarier than going to war with 10. It is like peer pressure guys, the more people there the more pressured you feel, the less there, the more apt you are to stand your ground, come on now. We all learn that in middle school. Not to mention waht it would have done to our relations with China. Yes the ones we had been trying so hard to build. Yes those ones, they would have crumbled with one swipe of one-on-one discussions. I mean China and South Korea are the closest neighbors to North Korea, and North Korea happens to be their biggest threat right now. Not to mention screwing relations with the fastest growing economy in the world would have been plain idiotic. So yes, I don't believe Bush is the best president, but do i believe he was the best choice during those elections, most definately.

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    Oh yes, and that email says he executed a federal prisoner like it is a bad thing.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    I mean no disrespect to anyone who fought in this, or any war for the American government, or to anyone who has lost a brave relative who died for their country.

    But we have to face that fact the Bush and Blair Lied to us about their reasons for going to war, and they have lied before, it's the way of politics. Bush is a liar, and anyone who fights for him is fighting for a lie, however brave they might be.

    And please, killer of time, don't give us that functionalist nonsense, just because Bush got elected [ like the last time was even legal] doesn't mean he is there by divine right, or "meant to be there" in any special Englad we abolished that way of thinking a long time ago when we realised God and politics shouldn't mix. You guys ought to catch up.

    Was hitler chosen by God? Was Stalin? No, they, just like Bush and every other person in power, were placed there by those who control these things to maintain their control. It's deceptively simple.

    In London we've been getting hit by bombs fact, rarely for this country, police shot and killed a man today because he ran away from them. In the papers suddenly, and of course no suprise to me, Tony Blair is talking about the powers that be needing increased rights to keep us safe which basically infringe upon our freedom..things like tapping anyones phone, forced ID cards that we have to pay for...these are things he's been pushing for since 2002....but we keep knocking him it seems we have no choice in the matter.

    Viva democracy eh?

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    Yeah, but what Blair is doing in England already happens to millions of people around teh world. Kevin, Italy and several other European countries are tightening tehir surveillance and such, and they haven't been getting bombed like that. And, just so we don't get confused, everybody is a liar. No, there may not have been weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but in case you didn't realize, Bush didn't Bullshit that. I am not backing him up, but he didn't pull that out of his ass. When Bill Clinton was in office the same reports were coming to him. Intelligence said that Iraq had Weapons of Mass destruction then too. He was just to busy getting a blowjob to do anything about it. Like Clinton didn't do anything about Osama Bin Laden. Clinton had a clear chance to catch him, but said no, he hasn't done anything to us yet. Boy was that a mistake. And yes I believe Bush is somewhat fighting his daddy's tiff. But that doesn't matter now. It matters how we handle it from here on out. WE can't change the fact that we are over there. And teh fact that saddam hussein is in jail, does that make sense to anybody but me. The man forcefully killed thousands, not to mention, he was behind the first one maybe two world trade center bombings. So it isnt like the man was innocent.

  • aaron c s
    18 years ago

    Kevin: if u put bush in the same sentence as hitler or stalin again i will have to find out where u live and kill u. well not really. bush saw the chance to attack he had the info he went and ome of the info he got was wrong but he didnt lie. he has lied but not about that. and not about why we are in this war. and i for one would love to go over there and kill the ppl who have been killing innocent ppl for years. thats just me though.

  • TragicRomance
    18 years ago

    Soldier are NOT fighting for a lie! They are fighting for what they believe in!

  • A.Hill
    18 years ago

    okay, after taking 30 inutes to read this, i have some things to say...
    no, i'm not a fan of bush, i'm not a fan of clinton, but i'm definitely the one who loves her country. we have to remember our leaders are regular people who regular americans vote into office... sure they do some stupid crap, so do we, not saying it is right or anything. i'm 100% against war, because taking other people's lives because someone else's life waas taken is WRONG. i mean, i know we cant let whoever attacked us off with a warning. But we dont need to shoot each other either...and besides, there is not enough evidence to prove who attacked us... i mean 9/11 was a sad day in my life, but that doesn't mean give me a gun and shoot at every Iraqi i think bombed us. but, we still have a few more years with our president, so we might as well just turn our heads... and i have to say this, the no child left behind crap...SUCKS... my friend will be fourteen this year, and she reads like a second grader... so bush is not helping in that area. And it's not only my one friend, i know alot of people who are not learning in school, but the teachers keep passing them....

    love alwayz,

  • aaron c s
    18 years ago

    George W. Bush is my redneck drinking buddy, he makes the best long island ice teas.

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago



  • TragicRomance
    18 years ago

    I do gree with Angie about the no child left behind act! But I still think he is a good president!

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Bottom line for me. Bush isn't smart enough to be the leader of a country. He can't even speak properly, doesn't know his political history and he most certainly does not represent the general will of his people.

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    Kevin, can you name more than one president than has ever represented the general will of the people here in the united states.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    All he has to do is represent the general view of 50.0001% of the people at any given time.

  • aaron c s
    18 years ago

    All he has to do is not kill us. and to protect us in every way possible. and he has done that. the terrorist killed our ppl so he sent our soldiers to go kill the ppl who killed us because if he didnt they would've tried to kill us again. and the reason he had the soldiers kill iraqis was because they helped the terrorist and they would continue helping them. jsut like if u let a murderer in ur house and then buty him the gun to kill ur neighbor ur at as much fault as the murderer.

  • A.Hill
    18 years ago

    2 wrongs don't make a right...

  • TragicRomance
    18 years ago

    THATNK YOU AARON! We do have intelligence. If someone killed someone you love, what would you do? Wou;d you just let them go?

  • TragicRomance
    18 years ago

    "War does not determine who is right, war determines who is left!"

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    When people look back on history in about 200 years they will know two things: We were right, terrorists were wrong.

    History is written by the winners and we ain't about to lose this one.

  • A.Hill
    18 years ago

    If someone killed the one I love, yea I would be pissed off, but what is the point in killing them?? If we continue this cycle eventually everyone will be dead and gone. If I killed the person who killed the one I loved, then the person who loves them may kill me, etc. And we don't know exactly who bombed us, knowing who killed us is different than not knowing...

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    Angie, if someone fucked with my family i would hunt them down, and once I found them, well, I don't want to say cause some of you may never read my poetry again

  • A.Hill
    18 years ago

    that's totally different!! i mean, i would too...i dont know if you guys are christians or whatever, and i'm not trying to turn this into anything about family or God, but we don't have the right to judge, or take someone else's life...I agree I want those terrorists to burn in hell for what they did, but I don't want a war's too short... we have to enjoy it to it's fullest...

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    I think we have the right to judge AND punish. If we haven't got that right why do we have a system of law?

  • TragicRomance
    18 years ago

    Enjoy life to the fullest when they are bombing us? How does that work exactly? They bombed us, let them go? They will do it again!

  • TragicRomance
    18 years ago

    Thank you. Because if we just sat there like nothing happened, guess what would happen.......
    THEY WOULD DO IT AGAIN! They don't care about us, they would do it over and over again if we wouldn't step in and stop them!

  • aaron c s
    18 years ago

    this ia aquote from my dad not from me and i do not agree with it but im saying it anyway. "just drop 2 nukes on em run like hell then come back in 30 years. that'll shut em up." just add a few cause words in there and that is what my dad thinks. he thinks they're worthless pieces of poo and i think thats what Bush thinks too but hes not about to bomb them so i think he's doing the least amount of things he could do. i mean he could send over our whole military adn jsut shred them apart but hes not. thank God my dad not i is president.

  • aaron c s
    18 years ago

    when i said my dad not i is president i meant to say my dad NOR i are president.

  • TragicRomance
    18 years ago

    I know. People better be glad my dad isn't either!

  • ¤|Æ’lοяεηζîά|¤
    18 years ago

    what i do when I get mad, is that i would pull out bush's pic from the news, and stab him with my sharpened pencil, helps every single time...gets rid of all my anger...

    bush's a f***ing idiot and fool.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    You sound like a perfectly balanced person.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Aaron, your Dads viewpoint is the reason there will always be war, because as long as people see murder as the solution to social and political problems, none of us will be safe.

    Maybe someone should nuke America for all the countries and people it has attacked unjustly, maybe Korea will do it.

  • A.Hill
    18 years ago

    and they did bomb again didn't they?? they struck europe, our allies, so obviously he didn't do all he could do...every one has their own opinion, but those who kill go straight to hell...Thou Shall Not's a commandment...but whatever, if ya'll believe that war is right, then hey, let's blow up Iraq!!

  • TragicRomance
    18 years ago

    Well, if we don't do anything and just sit there like there is no f***ing problem, WE WOULD ALL DIE!

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    I'd like that for about five minutes, better to spend the time lining up another target that the world could do without.

  • TragicRomance
    18 years ago

    We would die b/c they would blow us up. What do you think?