Whats The Most Embarassing Thing Ever Happened To You?

  • Nee
    18 years ago

    So...What Is It?...I'll Tell You Mine
    Once I was walking with my boyfriend and everything was going Perfect until I FELL DOWN Then he Took my hand and told me to move these things outta my dress..and asked me if i were OKAY...But it was SoOoOoO Embarassing hehehe
    come on guyz tell me

  • Nee
    18 years ago

    aww Thats kinda funny Ismail*just kidding* hehe
    also Melissa that was cute lol

  • ~*Ley*~
    18 years ago

    i tend to block out my embarrassing moments...ill have to think on it...but there is this one...didn't happen to me...but it musta been embarrassing as hell...
    in 5th grade you know the whole sex ed crap. well they was talking about erections...*still chuckles* and this kid was like "OH I get those whenever I think bout Tijauna* Tijauna being the most popular, the prettiest girl in class...*tear* I still crack up at that one. Not only was he embarrassed *once he realized what he had said* but she was too. ah..grade school life...how i do miss it...
    Anyway I'll get back to you on what mine was

  • ~*Ley*~
    18 years ago

    *can't beleive I remember this*
    Oi...here goes...
    was on the playground...hadda go pee...you know...kids hold it...i was young...had my hand to help hold it *blush* little boy yelled it to the whole playground that i was "playing" with myself...bastard

    ooo gof im getting bad memories now...also...i got a bra when i was very young and i didnt wanna tell anyone so i told my best friend and one day we got into a fight and she told the whole playground what is it with people and telling the whole playground? *sigh* i probably gave you too much info....i blocked it out for a reason -_-

  • Lyla
    18 years ago

    when i was in grade 4 i wore my pjs to school my accident. I forgot to get dressed! it was embaressing at the time but now everybody wears pjs to school lol

  • ~*Ley*~
    18 years ago

    awww thats cute lol

  • Nee
    18 years ago

    thats cute guyz lol :D
    I Dont remember any embarassing thing happened to me when I was young:S

  • cac123
    18 years ago

    ok, well my story has to be the WORST, It just happend this year sometime in april. First you have to understand that i live in a couldasack(spelling srry) with a bunch of friends and its very close to the school, so we all walk together everyday. So i was dating this guy who lived not in my couldasack but very close by, and so we decided to walk early together to school. Well we took this shortcut through the woods and before you know it we are making out. WELL my friends started walking shortly after us, and while we were maknig out i heard giggles, so i opended my eyes to see them making rude suggestive gestures in the air and i couldnt help it so i burst out in hysterical laughter. Well the air from my laughter blew this guys cheeks up, and he turned around to see all my friends laughing uncontroallbly and then turned back to see me laughingand he walked off mad and embarrassed. Turns out he went around telling everyone that i was the worst kisser and a "cheek Blower".... yeah. Never included the part about my friends making me laugh or anything he just told everyone that i blow up peoples cheeks when i kiss. YEAH. Well lets just say it has taken me a LOT of chocolate, good friends, and lies to recover from the trauma. Lets see who can top THAT one.

  • ~*Ley*~
    18 years ago

    hahhaha ooooo i think you win

  • Nee
    18 years ago

    Lool Super :D:D

  • Ashleigh Skye
    18 years ago

    wow I've had so many embarassing things happen to me that its really hard to pick just one of them. And wow some of yours is REALLY embarassing. I think I would hide in my room forever.. but I'm a really shy person.

  • Nee
    18 years ago

    Lool its okay we all tell our embarassing moments..so dont you be shy ;)

  • Lydie
    18 years ago

    Ummm this isn't like the WORST thing but anyhow..

    Well i have 4 sisters so it's like a house of 7 with 6 girls! so there is a fair bit of bitchyness and that...

    One day i was fighting with one of my sisters and I got really angry - when i fight i tend to talk faster - all my other sisters where watching and i screamed out - I HATE SHARING A ROOM WITH MYSELF - when i was meant to say i hate sharing a room with her, it was embarassing and we got quite a good laugh...

    this is and embarassing moment from one of my sisters...

    One day my mum had peeled potatoes and left them on the bench, my sister walked in and started to eat them thinking they were apples...

    Another one:

    My younger sister was wearing overalls and had a mandarin we went to play a game so she put it in her 'pocket' - which wasn't really a pocket it was a hole - and then it rolled to the bottom cos it was a hole, it took us like half an hour to get it out it was so funny, and whenever we laughed we had to pretend we were laughing at the black cat on the roof cos she would cry otherwise...


  • Jacklyn
    18 years ago

    umm lets see which one do i tell! i have so many!

    i am extremely shy in my school and had this cruch on a guy for about 3/4 of the year but he was like popular, and i'm just the quiet smart girl. Well his best friend ended up finding out and he wasn't to nice about keeping it quiet. he told the guy who i liked that i was crazy about him (he exaterated!) and then everybody in my history class heard about it everyday, the whole school new about it and people would stare at me or make some smart comment about me in the halls or class. for me a shy smart girl i was SO embarressed and didn't want this attention!

    another time was my two best friends at the time and i went to go see two movies. we bought candy (from a different store and snuck it it cause it was cheaper) but it ended up being old and i puked everywhere in the FULL loby as we were waiting to go see the next movie! i still get teased about it.

    Or when me and my friends were changing after gym class but we went in early to change because well we were done so there was no sence for us to wait. as we were like in middle of changing the teacher walks in screaming "what are you doing!" and i thought o shit i'm screwed she thinks we're skipping class and plus we were all in our underwear so we decide just run and make it look like we were using the bathroom so we can just make up an excuse for being there but she stoped us before we got that far, at least she let us finish changing first :)

    ~PLP~ lil slam~ thats just a few off the time of my head, i'm sure there is worst that i have been through.

  • Nee
    18 years ago

    Lol thats kinda cute Sid
    loved your story hehe
    i should look for my embarassing moments more than that:D
    Take Care