Men and hostility

  • pinkalias
    18 years ago

    Recently I saw an article describing a violent murder which consisted of a man being beaten and stabbed by two women, who then buried his corpse in an old refrigerator.
    I remember when reading the article I was surprised and thought, "Wow, a couple of girls did it." Thennnnnn of course that got me thinking...

    We rarely hear about females committing crimes against males in the news, and the majority of the hand-to-hand or more hostile reports are either done about two males or a male harming a female. Also, I'm currently taking Behind the Wheel and when discussing road rage our teachers told us men are usually the ones at fault because they tend to get angry easier.

    Is it true that men are more hostile and aggressive than women, or is this something we've grown to think based on media and statistics?

    note---I'm going on vacation for a few days and won't be back until the 16th, so unless I can get to a computer I'm not going to be able to respond to anything (I'm sure that changes your lives dramatically)----

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    I think that it's something we've grown to learn from the media.

    But i also think that men get hostile more easily than women do.....i think it's a fact.


  • EoB
    18 years ago

    of course men are more hostile and violent...

    It's just the way it is...

    Look at other species...Males always defend the territory...Males battles for the right to mate...

    Males have more testosteron, which makes them more aggressive

  • natalie
    18 years ago

    yes men are more violent, they used to need it in the olden days to get food and protect their families, now they dont need to do that, they still have that reaction. If you look at kids playing at nursery, even then you can see the difference between boys and girls and the aggression boys have that girls dont.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    I think males have the potential, biologically speaking, to be more naturally agressive...but given the appropriate environmental settings, a female could quite easily be as violent as a male.

    Man i sound like a sociologist.

  • EoB
    18 years ago


    but I think you are right, nevertheless:P

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    Men are more blunt.. literally. They are more likely to take a hammer to the situation to rectify it.

    Women are FAR more devious, cold and calculating. I'm betting there are just as many female serial killers out there in the world, but they are far more careful about the way they go about things.

  • ~*Ley*~
    18 years ago

    Yes men are more hostile. But I have seen quite a few women become hostile when provoked. And I think Ismail meant "clobber" not cobbler...cobbler is food...mmmm apple cobbler...yummy lol

  • ~*Ley*~
    18 years ago

    It's okay...It's just...Now I want cobbler lol

  • ~*Ley*~
    18 years ago

    There are plenty of men and women in the media. But the simple fact is that men are more hostile. They can't help it. I beleive someone already said this, but they have more testosterone. It's in their bloood.