• Mel
    18 years ago

    My thoughts are this. Immediately deport any suspect/s. Do not waste time on building up a portfolio. if in doubt: out! Never mind 'human rights'. Where were their human rights last Thursday?

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    My thoughts are this.

    Don't assume that Al anybody did this until you know for certain. Remember september 11th? How timely that an attack came to America that was used as the reason to launch an invasion on Iraq which was planned years beforehand but which the American and world people would never have gotten behind without. Curious don't you think?

    If i was suspect of the Government, i'd say they ordered the attacks...both of them.

    Don't let your anger cloud your judgement. If terrorists were in control, Tony Blair and Bush would be dead already...something else is stirring the pot and it ain't small time groups like Al Queda [sp]

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    Bollocks, Kev.

    Sorry fella but you got to stop watching the X-files, unsubscribe from Conspiracy Weekly and just keep your eyes open for the people out there that want to see nothing other than the destrution and terrorisation of the west.

    You'll be saying that the IRA is a conspiracy next.. or better still Hitler is alive and well in Argentina sitting by a pool next to Mengele talking about the good old days.

    I'm not saying it was the effort of Al Qaeda or a splinter group, but that it was the effort of small time terrorists, not my local MP.

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago


    First off, thanks for your comments on my poem, deeply appreciated.

    I'm am not one to say who is right and who is wrong when it comes to religion or politics. I feel that we as humans all have our own personal rights, liberties and freedoms to choose what we beleive in.

    It is however so wrong when religion and politics gets out of hand and affects the lives of so many innocent people who have no say in an issue, cutting short their lives or altering their lives forever. The violence is all wrong no matter for what cause. The senseless slaying and killing of all life is completely wrong no matter what the cause may be.

    We as a human race will soon all become dinosaurs if we carry on in the same way.

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago


    Whoever did this in my view does not matter. My view is that "NO ONE" should have done this. This is my view - regarless of politics, race, religion or creed.

    The violence and killing of anyone is so wrong!

  • XxXangeltearsXxX
    18 years ago

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ true that! i totally agree, they shoudlnt wrongly suspect someone, but when they find out who it is, they should be punished, no matter who they are, and people of the same religion/nationality etc should not be labelled 'bad' because of it

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    My suspicion is, without doubt, leading me towards middle eastern fanaticism.

    1. There was no coded telephone warning to the poilce, MI5 or the government. (This is an IRA mandate action to save the lives of innocent children where possible and the majority of targets by the IRA are political or military in nature.)

    2. There was more than one attack planned for the same time frame. (Typical of Islamic attacks in the west and akin to attacks in occupied Iraq.)

    3. The bombs were man portable, not timed in stationary vehicles. (There is only one instance of stationary vehicle bomb used by Islamic fanatics on western soil: The original WTC attack)

    If one of these three had happened you could accuse the IRA or one of their splinter groups right now. Trust me, I know how they work.

    The attacks carry the hallmarks of separate cells working oblivious of the others.

    Also the timing was perfect for a covert attack on London. The focus was on Edinburg, Police and security levels had been lowered, police officers had been removed from the surrounding counties to help in Edinburg. If I was a terorist it is where and more importantly WHEN I would have struck. (Always strike when the iron is dead cold and the person holding the iron is looking at the tv, not the shirt.)

    This attack was at least months, if not years in the making. Another trait of middle eastern fanatics/Jihaddists.

    Having said that I'm not ruling out the IRA, one of their splinter groups or anyone else (except the government, I'm not even going there). It's the logical choice looking at the pubicly known facts. But time will tell.

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago


    Everything is open to speculation, but don't always try to force your opinions on everyone else or get touchy just becuase people don't see eye to eye with you on everything. It is not a good trait.

    I don't pretend to try and tell you or correct you on anything, but then I don't try and pretend to be a know it all either. No one here has the time to teach you ethics either, do that in school in your own time.

    Please also read my threads carefully, I have not pointed the finger at anyone nor have I at anytime made any accusations as you accused me of. Futhermore, I did not ever accuse you of not having morals or ethics. You made all these accusations entirely on your own. As you say Hmmmm!

  • Sore Member
    18 years ago

    Ismail, No one here has said it but I say it - Your an ASS. Everyone has been polite so far, so I say it for them. You argue about everything and act like you know it all and try to be soooooo..... intelligent. guess what, your not and far from it!

    No wonder you got called a "Moron" by another writer on another post. Get a life and just grow up and acting so childishly instead of pushing what you think on everyone else and arguing and being nasty because you don't like other peoples views or outlook. Sorry kid, you have a nasty mean streak which isn't nice.

    I don't know if you have much ethics, but poor boy, they didn't teach you manners for sure in school.


  • Mel
    18 years ago


  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Bret me old mate. I ain't a conspiracy nut, what i am thoigh is highly sceptical of obvious culprits to political acts. The very fact that you know all the methods commonly used by Islamic terrorists means that it wouldn't be hard at all to make it look like they were responsible.

    You may have checked out "independant" news sources that give you the feeling you are in possession of the real facts...but in actual fact you know nothing more than the media wants you to know...and we all know who controls the majority of the media.

    In any case i'm just waiting for the word on whatever human rights violation they are going to lay down as an answer to this bombing.

    Just like george orwell said...keep them scared, in a perpetual state of war and they will never question you, and always need you.

    Bollochs indeed.

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    Kevin most certainly has a point.

    "In any case i'm just waiting for the word on whatever human rights violation they are going to lay down as an answer to this bombing."


    "...keep them scared, in a perpetual state of war and they will never question you, and always need you."

    Two words: George Bush

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    "We as a human race will soon all become dinosaurs if we carry on in the same way."

    Explain please...

    Surely, evolution ain't that stupid

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    Mel: Believe me, if those people were from the middle east, their families have probably suffered more from lack of human rights than your shallow mind understands.

    I guess they are just sick and tired of being bombed by western countries...

    I do truly believe that they can justify their actions no worse than USA can.

    That's my opinion...Stop thinking that they are more evil than us. They think just as low of you as you think of them.

    They are people too, and have their reasons...

    If you do not understand this, you are pretty darn stupid

  • Mel
    18 years ago

    Enslavement of bollocks:

    Oh, so I'm shallow minded am I for wanting suspects to be deported back to thier own country.

    I see. I guess, due to my shallow mindedness, I have no argument here, then. Well let the fuckers start blowing holes in your city and let's see what your views are, then, shall we?

    As for you my friend (Patronisation intended) you are an 18 year old living in la la land. And your opinions are only of what you have read and not what you have seen or experienced. I guess you should get your lazy ass out of bed, put down the bottle and the fake attitude, and get an education or a job and return to the post in 5 years...

  • Mel
    18 years ago

    Some times, Ismail, after you've posted I get in your vortex and am dragged like a puppet to your depth. Plus it's warm here and I'm a fucking angry man today!!!! OKay!!!

  • Mel
    18 years ago

    The word 'dragged' should give it away.

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    Well, I've read a few of your other posts, and you do most certainly strike me as a very shallow-minded person, but I'll take that back, as I do not know you.

    Better not having seen either side of the conflict, than having seen only one, as that obviously gives a wrong impression of...well..quite a lot.

    And believe me, your precious nation have killed more of "them" than they have killed your countrymen.

    But I agree with you, they must be found and punished as soon as possible, but to give a damn in Human Rights is very wrong. By saying that, you prove that you have no more respect for human life than those you obviously hate. Too bad.

    and surely, Norway is no more a La-la land than the UK. We are richer, more wealthy, have less crime and do not go to war against other countries based upon lies.

  • Mel
    18 years ago


    I really can't be bothered replying to your post.

    I will say this, though. John Lennon gave you Norweigan Wood. The only time I ever hear of your country is when hear that song. What's that telling us in the great shceme of things?

  • EoB
    18 years ago

    okay, okay...

    Sorry if I insulted you.

    I know, my country isn't big, but we thrive here.

    I do understand that you are pissed off, but do not let anger control you.


  • EoB
    18 years ago

    you are funny to watch:P

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    Ismail, I have satellite tv, though I do not watch much in the way of entertainment programs like Conspiracies. It is 2005, I have a good knowledge of technology and do not listen to unsupported claims from shows meant for entertainment and use them as fact.

    I watch a shed load of news, remain in regular contact with my old mates in the Intelligence Corps. and keep abreast of all threats, foreign and domestic. When you have a good set of links into the world of unreleased information I'll add you to my list, not before.


    Valid points mate, but remember that 1984 (my favourite book, btw) is still a piece of fiction. Inventing terrorists to keep a very recently re-elected government in power is so unlikely and the timing is miles off for that alone. I will also refer you to the Madrid bombings that were timed to coincide with national elections. That attack swung the votes and got the opposition into power and was not, as you suggest, a very good way to keep control of the public vote.

    In light of the latest events I think it is safe to say that we are, indeed, looking at suicide bombers of middle eastern persuasion (British domestic Pakistanis) as my buds and I discussed and I suggested above.

    Not being cocky, just highlighting that I check my information and resources carefully.

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago

    Evolution is not stupid, but mankind surely is by their own acts, do you think we will last that long if we continue the way we are? War, global warming etc. just to name a few.

    Extinction will be our own doing.

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago

    Ismail: If you "Can" read any of my threads you would not be saying that I have made accusations. All along in the discussions here I have not said that it was any particular faction, whether it be IRA, Middle East or any others for that matter. If you have read my threads, you would have seen that I have been very impartial in my comments and have not pointed the finger at anyone.

    But to admit you made a wrong accusation, may just be too much to ask of you.

    Just do some reading and comprehending of the messages and give some intelligent response or don't bother at all.

    This is pointless and as someone else put it, I will not be dragged further.

  • Sore Member
    18 years ago

    To everyone else, Ismail can't bloody well read or interpret what and who are making accusations and who has said what here.

    So that means Moron + Ass = "Wanker"

    Or better since your "Superior" to everyone else here = "Superior Wanker", what an ASS.

    Ismail you are above everyone else here........ As a Wanker! I don't think the other will even bother with you anymore. Tosser!

  • Mel
    18 years ago

    Back on topic:

    News just in is that the 'London bombers' came from the muslim community in Leeds, West Yorkshire, area. These were Europes first suicide bombers; the youngest of the gang being 19. CCTV shows that they travelled down to london by train with controlled devices in bags and detonated them when they boarded their chosen mode of transport. This area - I live in the leeds area - is on high alert. Houses are being raided all over Leeds and some have been found to contain bomb making equipment.

    One wonders how many more of them are being primed and armed and ready for wherever? I also wonder how many people are shielding these bastards? Paranoia and fear is here. Once again the innocent are copping it.

  • Mel
    18 years ago


    They've found documents of the bombers at the crime scene. It points the finger at them. The CCTV also captures them prior to the attacks. These people are now missing.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    Ismail... They did it, deal with it. Accept the fact that there are British Islamic suicide bombers living in our neighbourhood and get on with living life.

    Nothing you do or think is going to stop them and it doesn't affect the opinion of decent people who know that extremists are just that. They are few and far between and they will never change our views of Muslim communities at large.


    "Again, read the post, it was not actually referred to you. To me you were just a pretentious boob who tried to bring pseudo-wise comments to the table."

    Uncalled for, childish and inane.

    "By the way Beesely, don't mock another man's intelligence, unless you know the person first."

    Forget my last, You don't know Beesly anymore than he knows you. Congratulations, you just put yourself in the 'pretentious boob trying to post pseudo-wise comments' group with that cleverly thought out reply.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago


    i think you'd have a better time getting your point across if you focussed less on trying to fight everyone on the technicalities of their posts, and actually said more about what you think of the issue being discussed.

    We all know you speak your mind, big deal, that doesn't mean it makes a whole lot of sense, or is valuable to the discussion.

    Your focus determines your reality.

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago

    Ismail: You do not deserve any further attention from me nor am I going to give you the satifaction of any further replies or decend any more to your level. You have already made allot of uncalled for insult and it is because of this that I had responded. So this will be my last thread reply to you.

    The facts speak for themselves, read the papers and watch the news please. Insulting me or insulting my level of intelligence is not going to get you far. I don't see that you have brought much to the table except for trying to shoot me down and trying to make yourself look to be intelligent.

    Last thing, if you respond to people, it is customary to correctly spell the other person's name. Also for the record, I did not say that you did not have any morals or ethics. If everyone looks back to your first reply to me they can see that. You accused me of implying you had no ethics and were the one that was hostile first. I did not start the fight or pick the fight with you.

    Since you made such accusations I only followed suit. Remember! Hmmm. I give you this, you are arrogant and snooty.

    End of conversation, expect no further response.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    "I thought you said earlier, bret, that i was snotty condesending arrogant, and that you going to boycott me because of my rather harsh truthful comments. And that you stand in the neutrality of things. I can see that you don't keep to your words."

    You're right, iSMAIL, I do still think you're both snotty and arrogant but I've lifted my boycott because I realised just how much fun it is pointing out your faults and making you look like a bloody idiot. Looks like I'm not the only one, either.

    Instead of ignoring your self obsessed 'always correct' attitude I'll point, laugh and then make a fitting comment on your 'do as I say not as I do' style.

    Back on topic:

    Looks like the network behind the bombers is starting to become a little clearer. With a little luck and solid detective/Intelligence work we might find the network and hopefully some sleeper cells.

    Full kudos to our boys on a swift investigation that has yielded sterling results already.

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago


    We all can see the facts and where they are pointing to, but then some just make "mind-farts" as that is what they are good at.

    You also know the saying "Empty vessels make the most noise", that one would also apply.



  • Mel
    18 years ago

    Mmmm, well, I guess that this can tie in nicely with the 'stop teaching religion and save the world' thing I posted re freud's (the psychoanalyst) view on religion. He dispized religion for the mess it had the potential to cause both to the self and to a society. He wasn't just interested in sex, yer know!!

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    "How mature of you to say that bret, i am sure you will be happy to know, that you will be more of a man, when pointing and correcting and giggling like a japanese school girl. And i am sure that being pointed out by a 28 year old man and a 45 year old man, makes you both mature and how do you say "Intelligent and wise" in your actions."

    Intelligence and wisdom are just two traits in my life. A sense of humour is another major aspect of it iSMAIL. When you gain one and learn that your opinion is neither always right or relevant then you'll look back on these and point and laugh yourself.

    "Well excuse me for pointing on my opinions, you don't see my pointing at yours and laughing at you now am i."

    Well, when I post something that warrants your pointing and laughter I'll take it on the chin.

    Back to the topic:

    Why July? G8.

    All the attention was on Scotland and world leaders not London where millions of commuters were the proverbial sitting ducks.

    You won't find a better reason anywhere else.

    In The Times today (page 20) there is an article that compares Muslim extremestist with Neo-Nazis. I would advise everyone to read it, it is most insightful.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Right i'm calling time on the bickering between Bret and Ismail. Please stop nitpicking at each other, you both have ideas about the issue we are discussing, but we as readers have to sift through at least a paragraph of BS to get to them.

    Bret, you are way too smart to be indulging in this kind of battle.

    And are typing heaps and saying very little, except constant self justifications. Please stay on topic.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    Nothing to do with the Save Africa campaign. The guys have no connection to Africa, it's all about the best timing for strikes on the populous.

    Forget all issues that we are interested in and concentrate on the things that make attacks, and their timing, the most opportune. The attackers in this case weren't in the least bit interested in Africa or G8, just the opportunity it presented to attack London.

    It's all about sleight of hand with terrorists. The best time to strike is when your victim is looking somewhere else. That's when we must be most vigilant and this time we got caught napping.