EMO kids

  • ღtheღcrunkღpirateღ
    18 years ago

    who and what are they? im confused

  • Laura
    18 years ago

    dont hate on the emo kids.
    im proud of my emo immage.
    emo kids listen to amazing non-signed bands and wear antique clothes. such as old t-shirts, chuck taylors, sunglasses, jewlry, and jeans.
    short hair that lays over the eyes. usually longer in the front than in the back.
    emo is NOT to be confused with punk,core, goth, or hippie.
    usually 'typical' emo kids are vegetarians.
    and straightedge.

    its a lifestyle you have to appreciate to be able to consider yourself near the category.

    not all emo kids write poetry, or in a journal, though it is very common.

  • Renee
    18 years ago


    I think its utterly ridiculous, all of it.

    Who wants to be Emo?? I just want to be Renee. Please don't call me emo because I wear chucks and listen to certain types of music. This really sickens me, that people categorize themselves and exclude them from the rest of the world. It's actually really funny.

  • ღtheღcrunkღpirateღ
    18 years ago

    oh.i see. thanks for clearing that up for me guys! chill Renee everyones entitled to make their own choices about what they want to be, dont knock others just because you don't agree.

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    18 years ago

    Wearing chucks makes you emo???? Here they are the epitome of teenage fashion! (along with ballerina flats of course)

  • Renee
    18 years ago

    converses. You know, those shoes that basketball players used to wear in the 70's/80's? those.

    I know people are entitled to their own choices, woman. as I am entitled to mine. If I choose to knock them I'll fucking knock them.

  • Renee
    18 years ago


    that was wrong, but damn, it was funny.

  • Laura
    18 years ago

    gosh...that joke is so old.
    my little brother uses that one...too bad hes SEVEN.

    and yes, i do choose to categorize myself. but only to an extent, and honestly, everyone does...you know whether or not you're a 'prep' or a 'jock' or 'goth'...its just the world, steryotyping people for beliefs, opinions, and fashions, and its something you cant deny.
    you can be yourself and not choose to call yourself by a group name, but when it comes down to it, you know that you are more of one thing than you are another, we all are...people just try and make it seem like they want to be unique...reality check:: everyone is unique even if they ARE sterotyping themselves.

  • Renee
    18 years ago

    Yes, I do have certain things that I like that pertain to a certain group, but i choose not to boast around saying "I'm so emo" because most of the people I see categorize themselves don't seem to open minded about people with differences. I am open to everything, sometimes I wear jerseys, sometimes I wear pink, (ok, that was a lie) but the point is that I don't want to make myself one thing. I am many things. thats what makes me, me.

  • pinkalias
    18 years ago

    Dear lord, some people in here are idiotic.

    First of all, "emo" is a very loose title and can be used pretty much anywhere that people express pain or passionate emotion. Second, i don't think there's a category for these so called "emo" kids. it's like you're trying to classify them as "gothic", "preppy", or "punk"--which is not the best way to discuss them considering they are not a group, they can be a number of things...
    -kids who express in depth emotion openly and freely
    -kids who, in their own privacy, intensify certain emotions
    -kids who portray passion through music, art, or poetry
    -kids who listen to "emo" music....and even then emo can be used loosely.

  • lisa marie
    18 years ago

    just a label. examples include gothic people, preppy poeple, and so on.