
  • EoB
    18 years ago

    Males are, in most species, defenders of the family, while females **** those who are most fit for survival...

  • aaron c s
    18 years ago

    animals behaviors have nothing to do with us. the female spiders and preying mantis eat the male one so he doesn't eat the babies. i don't see that happening in our society. just my opinion. i dont like to look at myself as low as a spider.

  • Natalie84
    18 years ago

    Aaron...how could you say we have nothing to do with animals? Chicks rule and you just can't handle it....HAHAHA

  • Johnny Marlin
    18 years ago

    although i like to think of males as the dominant race, here is an interesting peice of info.

    A man and a woman were trying to concieve a child, they succeeded and had baby girl, the man wanted a boy, so they tried again, they had another girl. they tried again, and had another girl. After the third girl was born, they spoke to a doctor regarding the problem, and he formed a research study.

    His conclusion was that in this case, the male chromosome was actually killing itself, making it impossible to have a boy. This sparked more interest and they did many more tests.

    They found that this was not very uncommon, in over a hundred tests the male chromosome was indeed committing suicide, they also predicted that in a few thousand years males will be outnumbered almost twenty to one, if not extinct.

    They then furthered there research with mice, injected one female with a toxin that killed the male chromosome, and found that after many generations (i think around 25), males were almost never being born and females were devoloping a-sexual tendancies.

    In conclusion, if males do indeed go extinct, females will likely be able to reproduce a-sexualy.

    Although, before any ladies get there hopes up, they found that in an instance such as Australia, there are about three women for every man now, although, the male birth rate has recently skyrocket, essentially keeping the male-female balance.

    Scientists have yet to find one case where the female chromosome actually kills itself.

  • Atomic
    18 years ago

    Hmmm....This fact is rather interesting.

    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    Ismail, of course they are the stronger creature, think of it this way: They gain power from sex, but it makes men weak. Why do you think women like to cuddle or whatever, cause it gives them energy. Men are giving off the energy, makes us weak, that's why we like to go to sleep afterwards. Also they get attention, men are giving it. They are always recieving the energy whiule men are always giving it. And if they practice qi gong then they can be way more powerful than a man.