Mirror, mirror...

  • pinkalias
    18 years ago

    So, with all the forums about racism going around- thought I'd start one.
    in almost all of these forums is a comment about racism, discrimination, and judgment, either discussing/ accusing/ or implying it. So we all know that these things are just a few of the many things wrong with our society and continue to preach about them, but have we taken a look at ourselves and realized that we are in fact the racist, judgmental, prejudice people of which we speak of?
    Racism is not always violent, and people mistake it for that. I myself have noticed that I think in a black and white system at times. For example: My friend tells me there’s a guy she wants me to meet. I ask what he looks like, she describes him as tall, brown eyed, black skin….I immediately lose interest picturing a ghetto fabulous thug.
    Another example: A girl is walking down the street, on one corner is a group of white boys and on the other is a group of hispenics. Which corner do you think she’ll be most willing to walk by?
    The list goes on pertaining to almost everything; IQ level, intellectual standards, ability to work hard and in what areas, personality traits, wages earned…
    And most likely you’re the one making these assumptions.
    In addition to your reply, consider a couple of these:

    Two men, age 18, come to your door asking for work. One is white, one is Hispanic. Which do you give the job to?
    Most likely you chose the Hispanic thinking that he’d be better for the job and he probably needs the money more.

    You’re working in a 7/11, it’s after midnight. Two groups of teens come in, one group is white, the other is black. Which do you keep your eye on the most?

    You are a teen taking a huge exam, you are also a cheater. On the left of you is a kid from Korea, on the right is one from India. Which do you cheat off of?
    (And yes, even positive assumptions are considered racist)

    Of course, I could be wrong and just be a complete racist myself.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    Social conceptions affect every culture.

    On a personal level I find most black women unnatractive but Japanese girls highly attractive. I am usually repelled sexually from blondes, but attracted to red heads. Of course this doesn't mean all black skinned and blonde haired women are Harpies in my eyes, it's a very general thing.

    Some of it is genetic (what I find outwardly attractive or unnatractive) some of it social and cultral from our society (how we percieve differing cultures).

    It means very little to nothing though. It's all a part of life and it doesn't make me racist just because black girls don't turn me on. Skin colour on any person cannot hide whether they are an arsehole or not and that is what really matters.

  • pinkalias
    18 years ago

    Bret: I'm guessing your reply was somewhat directed at, "For example: My friend tells me there’s a guy she wants me to meet. I ask what he looks like, she describes him as tall, brown eyed, black skin….I immediately lose interest picturing a ghetto fabulous thug."

    You are right, whether or not someone is attracted to a black person has nothing to do with racism. My point was not the lack of attraction, but the image that was portrayed just from hearing the word, "black". the image set was someone from the ghetto, someone considered less fortunate or inferior to my standards.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    18 years ago

    It's also important to consider that generalizations and stigmas exist for a reason.

    Often times they are more correct than not, because generalizations are based upon general tendencies of groups of people, and all the groups and cultures have their own individual ways of acting.

    Yes; there are acceptions, but I dont feel like basing opinions on those generalizations are as racist as people percieve them to be. More often than not they are correct.

  • pinkalias
    18 years ago

    I think that humans no matter, no matter how intelligent or wise, judge by appearance among other things. The difference between someone who knows not to judge would be as so,
    "Wow, that guy has a lot of piercings and tattoos. He must be one of those messed up kids who fail school. No wait, I have no idea what he's like. He's probably the same as the next kid."
    Bad example, but you get my point. No matter what people judge, whether or not you would be considered "judgmental" I suppose is if you are smart enough to think about your judgment, what your assumptions are based on, and accept the possibility/reality that they are probably wrong.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    First impressions last.

  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago

    I MUST SAY FIRST AND FOREMOST: I despise the comment made about hippies.. i really really do...

    and second off

    I RARELY ever judge by looks.. but even when i do.. if i tend to be very open in accepting who the person really is.. rather than just sticking to my pre concieved notion on who I THINK they are.

    thats just my two cents, take care everyone....

    *~peace and love~*

  • Atomic
    18 years ago

    People need to learn the differences between racism and stereotyping.

    Stereotyping is an oversimplified conception.

    Stereotyping can be either good or bad, like for example Asians are highly intelligent, but Asian men tend to have small p-venus. African Americans are thieves, but they have huge ones. Not all stereotypes are bad nor is it all good.

    Now racism, there isn't an up side to this one, just means you're prejudice against other race....

    I'm highly against racism, because I personally know the affects of it. I am Vietnamese and people tend to to think I'm here to plan a terroristic attack.

    Hey people who reads this, not all Asian languages are the same! I abhor it when a person comes up to me and speak that rubbish, you know the "Ching ching chan" thing.

    I think I'm off the topic.....

    Anyway, I shall leave you with a quote: Everyone laughs in the same language.

    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    I have to admit that I am probably worse than Ismail when it comes to hippies.

    Anyone with long hair and no job is a hippy... unfortunately that means Jesus was a hippy too, but I have to remind myself that this serves to prove that not even the son of God is perfect.

    Also, are hippies allergic to all forms of soap and deodourant?

  • pinkalias
    18 years ago


    "People need to learn the differences between racism and stereotyping."

    There's no such thing as simply stereotyping a race without it being racism, considering that stereotyping according to race IS racism

    racism: "the belief that people of different races have different qualities and abilities, and that some races are inherently superior or inferior"

    "Stereotyping can be either good or bad"
    ...No. Even if the stereotype is a positive one, it isn't considered "good". To classify someone in either a positive or negative manner merely based on assumptions is in either way, wrong.
    you might argue that with "benefit of the doubt" but that has nothing to do with stereotyping.

    "Anyway, I shall leave you with a quote: Everyone laughs in the same language."
    I like that quote.

    On another note, I love hippies.

  • Atomic
    18 years ago

    Pink- Thanks for the correction, I totally agree.

    ...and who could hate hippies?! They're so adorable!

    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    Yeah, I have no doubt Jesus had carpentry skills, but can you tell me definitively how much he earned? I think Joseph did all the work supporting the family whilst JC was out there giving sermons.

    Or maybe he had Wednesday afternoons off like we used to (aka half day closing if you're old enough to remember that.) and gave his sermons then.

    Bottom line is this, how can earn a steady wage when your life is devoted to spreadingt he word of God which would not have had financial support from today's Christian set up and also when he would have been considered a Cult leader by the Jews and the polytheist Romans?

    I know I'm sparking a big bag of Christian repercussions here, but *shrugs* it's good for the soul.

    I am mercifully ignoring the earlier 30 years of JC's life when he most likely did nothing but build chairs and tables for a living before being given the news of his holy providence. After all you only have to be a hippy for a day to be a hippy.

    Doesn't mean I love the guy any less I want to make that clear.