Hidden racism.. Your thoughts

  • katie!
    18 years ago

    Well, today I was looking at some old newspapers in my possesion and I noticed something that confirmed something I had hoped was not real.. In one newspaper it had a racial attack on a white man commited by a black man, in the other it had a racial attack commited on a black man by a white man.. Both were horrific murders

    The first murder was a small report, stuck behind something a lot more trivial in the headlines..
    The second murder was front page news as being a racial hatred murder..

    As I was reading I asked myself why is it more acceptable for the first murder than the second, immediatly my primary school days came back to me where racial attacks on white people were perfectly acceptable, though I hate ALL racism in any shape or form to anyone of ANY culture, race, religion anything, it seemed to me unfair that I was being racially abused and no one did anything about it..

    The reasons for this were of course the past, slavery.. Although slavery was a terrible thing to happen and a disgrace upon many countries histories it is as I said, in the past..

    Now for my question, in the politically correct society of today, is it acceptable for people to use the past as a reason to abuse people and then a reason to escape punishment and why do the senior people allow some people to get away with it?

    thanks for reading

  • Jacklyn
    18 years ago

    no i don't think we can place blame on the past when we are taught that it is wrong with what had happened. Senior people i think allow it to happen more offten because today the senoir people lived in such times i think so they are kind of use to it but it drives me crazy.


  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    America is a crazy place where the colour of the minority seems to carry more weight than anything else.

    It is attributed to nothing but the past and people's inability to let bygones be bygones.

    take slavery as the main example. White men are forever apologising for the acts people they never met and are only distantly related to whilst African Americans can't leave it be. it is a self perpetuating cyle of self destruction which will only get worse.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    18 years ago

    How does dwelling on the past aid in the progression of future?

    Not too well, says Kaitlin.

  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago


  • Kaitlin Kristina
    18 years ago

    ...and Bret ;).

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    No, it's not acceptable. You're responsible for your own actions...you're an idiot if you blame your own actions on the past because the past is (DUH) in the PAST.

    The senior people allow some people to get away with it because some (many/some, not all) of them still hold that prejudice from the old days.


  • Bret Higgins
    18 years ago

    As a side thought being white doesn't make you racist, neither does being black or any other colour; being human makes you racist.