Intelligent Chat - My country will kick your country's ass.

  • XxXangeltearsXxX
    18 years ago

    American people always have the stereotypes of being 'fat junk food lovers' 'bitchy preppy teenage girls' 'drug addict school drop outs' or 'total nerds with acne and glasses' well thats what you see on the movies anyway, but after a girl from Florida moved to my town i saw that this isnt necessarily (sp) true.
    American's probably think us Australians know all of our neighbours, and have barbeques every night, whilst watching kangaroos and throwing boomerangs at dingos, but no one does that!
    I guess you cant really judge someone or something untill you have had the experience, so i cant state a valid opinion about Americans, except that i wouldnt really want to live there! Dont ask why, i just like Australia (which does seem to be copying everything America does)
    Anyway interesting post, you are right though, America must be one of the most hated places on the planet, it goes to war enough to prove that.

  • XxXangeltearsXxX
    18 years ago

    lol yeah thats true but its good to have something to stand up for! and its true, like everything comes from America........there would be no entertainment if there was no America, there would be no world if your country didnt exist, so i guess America is dominently (sp) good.
    I guess i made the 'war' comment because we've been studying wars in class at the mo, and every war we've done has been against America! why do people want to destroy that place so much? is it out of jelousy or something?! god!

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Ha i love this stuff. It's like those stupid arguements you used to have with your friends about whose father was the best fighter.

    Well now, America is very soon going to be surpassed by China as the worlds largest economic power...democracy is all well and good, but you can't beat a bit of divine communism to really boost the economy and as things stand, China is on the up and America is on the down.

    And lets talk about invading America and going to war. Because why would anyone from another country want to attack the land of the free? You guys are perfectly capable of fighting amongst yourselves and going to civil war...and if anyone can kick the ass of America, then it's surely the orientals again, just like in Vietnam.

    Britain had it's day, America is very close to ending it's run at the mill...and not a moment too soon eh?

    Oh and as for the entertainment thing being linked to america...ho ha!, you mean the crappy TV you guys punt around the world?...the no brainer films and generic music?...oh that entertainment.

    PS, the world doesn't copy America, America infests the world with it's chain store cheap ass goods and bombards bovine comsumers the globe over with it's wanky products and the idiots go for's not a conscious decision in my mind...just stupidity.

    Ps, i'm actually quite fond of America, just not all the crap. The people are amazing generally.

  • XxXangeltearsXxX
    18 years ago

    the main problem i have with America is the Corporations, and the Media. The Corporations are power hungry, life destroying, arrogant, and very dismissive (to good American reprasentatives like Michael Moore) and i dont like how they treat people.
    As for the Media, they show what they want to show, just so they get more ratings. During war coverage, they would cut, sanitise, and mess around with the tapes, so as to give people the impression that the US military were advancing towards a victory, they failed to show the death, destruction, and what truly happened during the war. i find this to be despicable behaviour. but thats just me.

  • XxXangeltearsXxX
    18 years ago

    lol do you think? ok i live to see the day when JPM's balls go into battle with Switzerland! it'll be a great day indeed!

  • XxXangeltearsXxX
    18 years ago

    hey theres no need to start being rude about my dont live here, and do you really think a 14 year old like me is going to go wrestling crocodiles? i dont think you think im at the legal age to drink beer? i said before if you would care to read my post, thats all a pile of stereotypical nonsense that every country is a subject to. I was not critisizing your country, because as i said before, you cannot make a judgement on what you dont know. im 14, i know what my socials teacher teaches me, which is what the department of education decides to teach. if you dont like the sylabus (sp) then take it out on them, please.

  • XxXangeltearsXxX
    18 years ago

    ok....well this whole semester pretty much has been about corporations, michael moore documentaries, and war coverage during the Vietnam and Gulf wars. I had no idea that my Socials lessons were so biased, and i'm sorry if i said something to offend your country. I dont have access to the syllabus (thanks for the spelling!) because i am neither a teacher or a government member, but i can ask this socials teacher of mine who seems to like shining a bad light on America, if there is any possibility of them sending it to me. I doubt that will happen, because it would show me everything i have yet to learn throughout high school, giving me an advantage over everyone else.
    I think Australia should learn a lesson from you, the 'dont study other countries till college level' thing, because teenagers are often so over protective of their own opinions, that they cannot be proved wrong, no matter what the case.
    sorry again.

  • XxXangeltearsXxX
    18 years ago

    and i'm glad that after all these crazy trails we've been going on, that you have brought the topic focus back to my memory. And i suppose there is nothing left for me to say, before i leave this thread alone, that although i hate to admit it, you are right, croc wrestling, and probably roo shooting are possibly the only things we do better than you, this being the case, i as an Australian representative in this thread, shall hold onto these things, and be proud that there is at least something we CAN do!!! thank you for the chat, it was a great learning experience!!

  • XxXangeltearsXxX
    18 years ago

    lol yeah people do eat kangaroo's here, its supposed to be a delicacy, but i can't say i've tried it. Roo Shooting is a very highly payed job, because no one wants to do it, can't say i'm surprised, they're very fast.
    Lol Steve Irwin is a perfect example of the Australian Stereotype, but not many people really pay much attention to him here! He's way bigger over seas!
    Emu's are also a delicacy, havent tried them either!

  • XxXangeltearsXxX
    18 years ago

    lol is that so? ok you should come on down here and use your American Talents to shoot yourself some Roo's, god knows we need people to!

    I was watching Bowling For Columbine (sp? i dunno lol) and i know you dont neccessarily agree with Michael Moore (i cant say i do anymore, after what you said) but what views do you take on the Shootings, and what do you think about the Gun Laws America has?

  • Sean Allen
    18 years ago

    A note I'd like to bring up concerning Kevin's remarks about China:

    In recent years China has been slowly, but steadily, moving away from communism. Although the totalitarian government still exists, the beginnings of a market economy in China are the reasons for its economic success... That and the trade between China and the USA.

    I do agree, however, that if there is any country on Earth that has the potential to rival the economic strength of the United States, it would be China. Just not yet.

  • Sean Allen
    18 years ago

    this is getting a little intense...

    Although I would agree that America is not a perfect democracy ( I don't think anyone should fool themselves into thinking otherwise), I do feel that what we have is significantly better than the political structure of some other nations (e.g. Iraq prior to the war). I guess the only rationale I have for feeling this way is that when it comes to the poor and downtrodden in America, you'll find that there were/are more in Iraq, and they lived/live in harsher conditions. When it comes to freedom of speach in America, one of the most popular shows on television (i.e. the Daily Show) constantly berates the current government. In Iraq, if you insulted the government once (and was heard) you'd be as good as dead. I don't think 'democracy' is what we should be shoving onto other people, but I do think it should be noted that, at least some of the time, we're saving them from a significantly worse form of government.

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    You cannot have a successful government that is not somewhat machiavellian. (don't know how to spell the name but he wrote The Prince).

  • Mel
    18 years ago

    You Americans:

    Think that the only war that ever took place was Vietnam. If I see another fucking 'Hamburgur Hill' come 'Platoon' I'll tear up my John Wayne posters!

    You Americans:

    Have never won a war! It took you three years to get involved in WW2. We sounded the bugle and you came over here and shagged all our women while the blokes were on active service - no wonder all the kids chew gum these days!

    You Americans:

    Are the reasons my, and everyone elses, hometown is clogged up with little twats with hoods and baseball hats with 'dude' attitudes, intent on mugging looking for their next fix etc etc because you glamourized it in some film!

    I could go on, but I've got 'Friends' to watch on TV

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    Mel, I will tell you what war we won all by ourselves--the civil war. LOL

  • Sean Allen
    18 years ago

    Actually, if I remember correctly, had the United States not involved itself in WWI and WWII (hard to imagine, since 'what if' history is ridiculous), the outcome of the war would have been entirely different. If you were to read "All Quiet on the Western Front," you could learn of a first hand account of the psycological damage that just seeing American troops inflicted upon the troops of the Central Powers, let alone the actual physical damage inflicted.

    And that is just WWI and WWII. What about the American Revolution, the War of 1812, the Mexican War of 1846, The Spanish-American War, and the First Gulf War?

    I'm not arguing that the United States always wins (we don't have a perfect track record), but quite frankly, when it comes to wins, we're doing alright for ourselves.

  • Sean Allen
    18 years ago

    Oh yeah, and Mel, the reason your hometown is filled with 'dudes' is because those twats actually bought our crap.

    For some reason people have a tendency to polarize any argument they get into. America isn't perfect, and it isn't terrible. America isn't the best at everything, but neither is it the worst. If you were to point out specific flaws, then maybe less pigheaded opinions can be displayed:


    The USA's record concerning environmental protection and reduction of greenhouse gases has sucked, sucks more now, and will continue to suck until there is a pretty massive attitude change.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    18 years ago

    I need to come back and read this whole thread, because it looks class A funny.

    I had someone assume the other day that because of my dry wit and sense of humor that I couldnt be from America. I replied: "Why must I be from England? Do they not make wit in America?" And then I told them the legend of JPM.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    18 years ago

    What amazes me is that people lump 295,734,134 individuals together (as of July 2005) and sum them up to being one big ball of rotting sin that should be used to wipe the asses of the rest of the world or of godliness.

    Not all American's are the same, in fact, we are a very divided nation, which was why Kevin brought up the prospect of us destroying ourselves by civil war before anyone else need invade.

    And as for American's being generally stupid and ignorant people, I won't disagree or agree, but many of the smartest and cultured people on these forums are from America, as well as other countries.

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    Ismail, other countries may have made those things, but we made them better and continue to.

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    Ismail, really, childish, other cultures may have come up with hamburgers and those foods, but we turned them into billion dollar a year franchises that span across the globe.

    "Every country is better." How can every country be better. Better means there is someone worse off than you are. Not every country can be better just by the rules of english. To be better there has to be a worse. The whole thing is a comparison. And yes there is a worse.

  • ¤|Æ’lοяεηζîά|¤
    18 years ago

    Sigh....the ordinary america gotta think outside of it....that attitude gotta change

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    ahhh. There is a difference from thinking in a box and stating what has been proven over and over. Yeah, America has a ton of messed up shit in it, but at the moment we happen to be the most powerful, most predominant nation in the world. Our influence spreads farther than any other nation. We really only care about following the U.N. when they agree with us, but would be the first to jump down any other countries throats if they crossed U.N. demands that protected us. Why because we can. In life it doesn't always matter what someone should do, but what they can do. And, at the moment, we can kick any other countries ass right now, so the bad shit we do doesn't make a difference in this conversation.
    Topic focus: we can have all the problems in teh world (which we do) and still kick your countries ass.

  • Sean Allen
    18 years ago

    very brutal JPM. But to the poster of
    "Sigh....the ordinary america gotta think outside of it....that attitude gotta change,"

    you should either back up your convictions with some sort of information or not post at all.

    another aspect people seem to be missing about this chat is that if you plan on posting, you should also plan on being contested. Don't get mad, just be right, or be prepared to be challenged over what you say.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Who gives a flying intercourse! America isn't great because of anything anyone in here is doing, and America's ability to kick ass is not improved by the actions of you guys, unless you are a high powered businessman or politician. It's the same over here in Britain...America's biggest cowardly ally.

    And before you all attempt to bust my chops and rant on about how you pay taxes and vote for inbred fundamentalist wanker presidents who do effect America's ability to kick ass, thereby validating your personal effect. Let me point out that you control nothing that really effects the machines and players of power except what you spend your money on. And by the looks of America, no one is giving a crap about that either.

    Lets talk about the real modern ass kicking. Nuclear war has no care for the economy or army size of a country. North Korea could wipe America out with only an aircraft hanger full of Nuclear missiles. They would be signing their own death warrants of course. But war is not fought on the battlefield anymore kids and big ole yanky land is just as prone to terrorist attacks as anywhere else. If they can fly a plane into a building without being stopped, you better believe they could push a few buttons and launch a Nuke.

    Team America, intercourse yeah!

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    Also Kevin, the ability terrorists have coming into our country and attacking us doesn't make us great, but we were the ones who then went after them which does make us great. Who else in the world ignored the U.N. and invaded two other countries to attack people thought to be threats. No one until we did. And don't say Israel cause that bag would be a thread of its own. Who went into desert storm to help stop Saddam. And yes Saddam was a threat, maybe not the biggest threat at the moment when we invaded Iraq, and not the one we should have gone after, but he has always been a threat to the U.S.

    Another thing Kevin.
    Other countries ask us to be the long arm of the law, why, cause they know we kick ass. Don't believe me, ask South Korea's president, or many Latin America countries. Anybody who tells you they don't need us, or that they can get rid of us is only saying it because he wants to impress the people to vote for him in the upcoming election. Even Fidel Castro pleads with us to lift the embargo. When our economy stumbles, the worlds economy stumbles. That is the bottom line. WE don't kick ass because we are impervious, but because people depend upon us from around teh world to keep the world in check. Problem with people's opinions with us is that they don't like what WE CHOOSE to become apart of because they want us to do what is most important to them.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Mike. You misunderstood what i was saying. I do not think politicians are great and the people of America bad. I'm saying that it isn't the people of America that make the country so effective at kicking the crap out of other's the warmongering government. American people don't have a special ability to kick ass over any other's only the brass balled attitude and corrupt tendencies of Georgie boy and his minions that make the USA such an effective war machine. Plains point about it being the people of America who make the weapons that allow the wars to be won is a valid one. But is is nothing special compared to every other army in the world....and so my point stands, it's the politicians who make America so successful at war...and not the people.Ok. Even by sheer force of numbers with even equipment America would still win.

    And the most important point about war not being fought on the battlefield anymore. Mike, wake up, that debacle in Afganistan was not a was a distraction at best, an invasion in reality. Thats like saying a professional boxer and a 6 year old kid in a ring is a fight. Just have a wee look a the death tolls on either side and tell me this is a war.

    Plain you got me on the nuclear bomb thing...i don't know shit about them really...i was on a self righteous rant and facts in that regard were not researched.

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    By sheer force of numbers, where the hell do you think we get those numbers Kevin. It isn't the politicians and high powered businessmen making those numbers. It is the farmer, the red neck, the inner city man. By sheer number we kick ass because our sheer numbers and confidence come from teh "no named" in our country. Why? because they would kick ass for the country they love.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Mike, the dictionary explanation of war is hardly an appropriate debate point here. Vietnam was a war, the two world wars were obviously proper dukaroos'. But the Iraq war...both this one and the one the Georgie boys old man pushed for. They were not real wars, for America had not chance of losing, and so it was more an attack than a war.

    The english Oxford dictionary is the best in the world. Fact.

    Cory, yeah America has the numbers to amass a huge army. But, and this is a vital's not the people of America that make that army any better than say the british or russian or Chinese to man they are all equal in the grand scheme of things. It's the actions of the government that make America effective at what some have called the Iraq war.

    SO my original point stands. Every country has an army that would gladly die for it's homeland...i mean jesus, one word from the leader of the chinese army and they would swim across to America and attempt to take over the country with bent spoons if they were asked can't get any more zealous than that, even in's the government that prevents this..not the greatness of the Chinese people in balance to the rest of the world.

    And Mike, war is a political act, always has would be nothing but insanity to have a military that is not accountable in any way to the political power of the land, or more importantly, controlled by it. You shouldn't be advocating such a thing in my opinion given the fact that the military did go way overboard during this invasion even with the supposed laws of warfare.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Just a little add on note to back up my post. Here are some recent August figures from the Iraq "war".

    US Troop Casualities 1,869 US troops; 98% male. 90% non-officers; 76% active duty, 14% National Guard; 73% white, 11% African-American, 11% Latino. 35% killed by unidentified causes; 19% killed by non-hostile causes.

    [now balance that with these and see if you still have the arrogance to call this a war]

    Iraqi Military and Police Casualties 2,945

    Iraqi Civilians Killed, Estimated 32,300 to 65,800

    Iraqi Insurgents Killed, Estimated 45,470

    Non-Iraqi Contractors Killed 300

  • Mel
    18 years ago


    'We kicked your ass once, and we'd kick it again'..

    What are you refering to, above? Chess? Scrabble? ferrit juggling? The only time you've 'kicked our ass in a war of any description is during the Gulf War when you gung-oh yanks hailed a hundred tons of 'friendly fire' down on us - we were on the same fucking side, me thinks I remember!! We lost more planes and personnel in that war from you lot than the enemy. that is a fact. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. I dont see Tom fucking cruise playing that 'hero' in Holywood.

    Engerland would beat you Americanos to pulp if we had big enough boats to reach you! We'd land in NY and take a right bite of that big rotten apple and then move South - and watch 'yer all' run like pigs from a gun! You're all talk America!

  • Mel
    18 years ago

    War! That was a skirmish over a bit of wasteland.

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Mike do i have to repeat myself? I'm just expressing an opinion, not setting the world to rights.

    I believe, that America's army is nothing may be large, but man to man against any other army and the ability to kill another human being is evened out from individual to individual.

    It's the fact the American government, and by that i really just mean George Bush and his crew is so eager to go to war, and is quite happy to ignore the rules to do it that whilst sucking up huge amounts of money from the taxes of regular people to pay for it all. Most governments right now aren't doing that in a way that is even remotely on the same level. So....once more i say that it is the actions of the government of America that make it so effective at war..and not it's "can-do" army.

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    Another thing kevin, no not every army is equal when you break it down man to man. OUr navy seals could kick ass anywhere they go. Why? the training they go through, not the technology they have. We kick ass cause we only accept the best, in every aspect of life. And when we don't get it we get pissed off and do it over until it is the best

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Pah Navy seals!...who do you guys call when you need some proper special forces? Why.the SAS of course. They become part of your "Delta Force"..which i'm sure Chuck Norris is ok about...but when some serious skilled ass kicking is required...even the leaders of America know that sending redneck cowboys who are so full of growth hormones and most likely their uncles sexual fluids into sensitive situations ain't gonna solve anything. And so they call in the real experts. And they aren't American.

    Did you guys know that Colonel Charles Beckwith (he formed the us army's 1st Special Operational Detachment = delta force) was a US Special Forces veteran who served with the SAS in the early 1960s.
    Under Beckwith's command the Delta Force structure, selection and philosophy closely mirrored that of the sas.
    However, it is thought that since he relinquished command these have been futher refined to take into account Delta's more specialist role. (The role of a counter-terrorist force)
    The sas is more an elite fighting force that fights in actual wars, but a small part of this force is also specialised in the counter-terrorist role.

    Which Foreign Units have been trained or established by the sas: Spain's Grupo Especial de Operaciones (GEO), NOCS (Italian swat), DELTA FORCE, Singapore's Police Tactical Unit, Philippines Aviation Security Commando, Pakistan's Special Services Group, Sri Lanka's Army Commando Squadron, Malaysia's Special Strike Unit, Bahrain's U-Group, Jordan's Special Forces Battalion, Oman's Sultan's Special Force and Morocco's GIGN.
    Germany's GSG 9 also is what it is today thanks to the SAS.

    Best of the best ain't American, we'd have you mutants any day.

    Cheers for that link Plain. You rebound.

  • Lyla
    18 years ago

    i dont know the whole population of any one country so i cant really say but when it comes to leaders america sux ass

  • Cory Mastrandrea
    18 years ago

    Yeah Lyla, I agree with you, cause we have had all sucky presidents like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Franklin Roosevelt, and many more who just sucked. But Canada has had all great leaders especially since they use to belong to the French, that must be where their great leadership in times of troubles comes from. I mean who can argue against that. (note the sarcasm)

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    You mean the proclaimers aren't still taking America by storm? I practice drums in the same recording studio those freakish twins jam in.

    America Kicks ass, and what a pity all round.

    Still, we brits can smile safe in the knowledge that is was our industrial revolution that really kick started capitalism. Yay us.

  • Avrii Monrielle
    18 years ago

    Hey australians! I havent heard from you guys for so long? so wats happened in your country?


    I really dont like america that much,its stressful and so gray (even though i like gray days),smoggy,and people cuss at other ppl and r so rude over NOTHING. i get so annoyed because people just hate each other for no reason. id rather be shipped off to another country. peh. but then id miss my friends =\

    ~even though im a citizen im a hypocrite. there. i admit it.

    i like the philippines better. it rocks. $1.00=55 pesos... :) and the euros even bigger to them. my mom was born in the philippines. they have so many islands you can WALK TO THE BEACH, and no traffic jams because you use busses or jeeps. it rocks i tell ya. plus they treat me like im royal ^-^


    *im gonna apply for dual citizenship.

  • Marjan
    18 years ago

    each country has its own advantages.