Intelligient Chat: How 'bout them pink flamingos?

  • Renee
    18 years ago

    I mean really. Is it fair that they get their own freaking classification system all to themselves? plus a cool name : Phoenicopteriformes. It just isn't right to me.

    Not only do the get their own special spot in scientists classification heart, but they're also getting their way with our world. With all this green-house effect "day after tomorrow" mumbo jumbo weather crap that's going on in this world, oceans are rising, giving flamingos more grounds to show off their after-breeding show. Yes, not only are they taking over the world, but they're show offs. AND...guess what those motherluvers do all day? TAKE BATHS. is that not sick and demented? While I'm out here busting my tail in these history books reading about pink flamingos and their silly "fuck me" dances, they're basking in some freshwater lake fluffing their feathers. bleh.

    I think you all should research and tell me what ticks you off about these pink flamingos. Unless you have a life, then I would re-consider my suggestion.

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    LMFAO!!!! Renee you are SUCH a TARD!!!! ROFL


    Flamingos annoy the mess out of me. They're

    And what the hell is up with their legs?? Why do they only stand on ONE leg when they have TWO!!!

    It's official! BIRDS CAN'T COUNT!



  • Renee
    18 years ago

    HAHAHA, You know, I didn't think about that. But now that I do...

    Yup, it's official. we need to swipe this society of pink flamingos. the world is flamingo-free as we know it.

    All we have to do is take a wire and trip those dweebs while they're showing off their "amazing" balance. Yeah, not so amazing now, is it?

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago


    They're the first thing i see when going to the's so annoying. They're just standing on their one leg, looking at me like I'M the idiot.

    Here's some news for you, buddy-*I* use BOTH of my legs!

    They smell bad. Worse than those foxes-now THEY smell really bad. @_@


  • Renee
    18 years ago


    hey man, don't be ragging on the foxes now. They're pretty damn smart, they use all FOUR legs. even us humans aren't that smart. we only use two.

    Now think about that next time you want to say foxes are smelly.

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago


    Okay...i'm sorry.

    -mutters something about stinky foxes and their self-proclaimed leader Renee-

    (Hahahahaha :P)


  • Renee
    18 years ago

    HAHA damn straight

    Now watch, next time you get in a race with a fox guess who's going to win?

    Duh, the fox. And not because he smells good. Because he uses more legs than you :-P

    Do you think you'll get further in life by smelling good or having more toes? O__O

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    More toes! :P

    HAHAHA, "Toes" is one of my nicknames. :D


  • Renee
    18 years ago

    Your nickname is Toes? O.o well I don't know if I want to know how you got I?

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    LMAO, i went on a trip with my mom, my sister and my mom's friend Peggy. I had to share a bed with Peggy because there were only two beds. I slept with my feet near Peggy's face and when she woke up and saw long yellow toenails, she screamed. Rofl! xD From then on, my name she gave me was Toes.


  • Renee
    18 years ago

    EWW long yellow dad has those *shudders*

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago


    I clip them now. ^.^


  • Atomic
    18 years ago

    I think only people like us would even consider opening this thread. =(

    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • Renee
    18 years ago

    Yeah, I'm thinking so too.

  • Renee
    18 years ago


    Now what's your opinion on these effing flamingos?

  • †JustAri†
    18 years ago

    They're not so pretty when they pick your ferret apart like a vulture on a rotting carcass.

    They murdered my stuffed animal, Ricky!! :'(

    It happened so fast...i was chewing on a corn dog when i realized that it wasn't a corn dog...but a hot dog with some hard stuff covering it and stuck on a stick. That's when Ricky went and flung himself with all of his stuffiness and-well, curioisity kicked Ricky's ass. O___O

    Hahahaha, it's fun being sick. You have an excuse as to why you make no sense.


  • Purple
    18 years ago

    Wait their beaks look wierd too? I think I saw some once... They were standing in a marshy spot and I looked over at them and was like "okay..." and then I went into the little waterpark.

    Man, that waterpark was horrible, it was no waterpark at all. My parent lied.

    Back to the subject of panguins-I mean flamingos. Some one get me a picture of one-flamingo not a panguin. I remember the kickable flamingos in the Sims1... I got the sims2, I think it has flamingos, I'll check next time I play it. Note that's proably a lie I will forget to check.
    What is up with the one legged thing? are they going "oow look at my nice long weird ugly leggs" or some thing? Are they iching their legg with their foot(-or what ever they have/it's called)? Why do I even care, they're just a stupid big pink bird thingy...

    I shall call you pinky! err... Or not.

  • Natalie84
    18 years ago

    Coonay....I swear to you my dear when I read the title of this I said this has got to be Coonay! And sure enough there you were. LMAO What about those alligators? And those teeth? LMFAO YOU NUT!!!!