When you have an idea for a poem

  • Jenn
    18 years ago

    how long does it normally take you to write it?

    me.. maximum 5 minutes

    It's weird but all of the ones posted thus far i have taken about five minutes to do ..

    love in in the air
    but watch for the death and dispair


  • elmtree
    18 years ago

    Yeah. I never thought I could write poems, and I've always had a huge trouble at writing them, and they'd take forever just to think of something.

    But something's clicked, and I'm very proud of a few of my poem's that I've written, and they only took me 10 minutes absolute max.

  • Truest Lies
    18 years ago

    Most poems dont come to me until I'm actually sitting down with a pen and paper, or the computer and keyboard, then I just start experimenting...
    Whether they come out good or not is just luck.


  • Drew Gold
    18 years ago

    it's totally sporadic with me,.. my poems come in weird bursts.. i've written a poem and really worked on it - in a span of about three weeks - for a few hours.. contrarily, i've also written poems not so much focused on form which only take around 10 mins,.. and everything in between... kinda weird, butcha gotta go with it.. this has been asked before, as well.. pZ

    edit: i also might start writing with intent, or i may just as well start writing not knowing what i'll end up with.. it seems like if i have an idea in mind it takes me a lil longer to shape it to my desire, whereas i just let the "quicker" writes just flow, hopefully capturing the feelings and presenting an enjoyable read..

  • Christopher Liau
    18 years ago

    I find that i get an idea for a few lines and write them down quickly. but its filling it out that gets me stuck sometimes.

  • Amanda Lou
    17 years ago

    I wrote all my poems as i was going through the emotions of them and it only took 10 minutes the most to write one

  • Ed or Ian Henderson
    17 years ago

    I can't imagine any poem taking less than a day to write. But hear me out...

    I write a poem out inside a day. It could take 10 minutes if I've been thinking about it, or it could take a few hours. But once it's written I will leave it alone for around a day. When I go back and read it I might have a different perspective on how it should come across, or how a particular section should flow. It may only be a single word that changes, or it might be that a whole bunch of things get replaced and you'd not know it from the text of the day before, but in my mind it's always the same poem!

    10 minutes? God no.

  • 000
    17 years ago

    I have just written about 7 poems in the last ten hours.
    If I really feel deeply about a topic and know what I will say about it I can write a good poem in half an hour

  • Candice
    17 years ago

    If I have an idea for a poem it can depend, when I write a rhyming poem it takes loner because I have to think of the right words but if I do a free flowing one I can have it done in five minutes or less.

  • Natalie
    17 years ago

    To write just ONE poem, it takes me like 2-3 hours, sometimes even days. =/ I hate it. Lol..

  • unstated affinity
    17 years ago

    cann last until 2-3 days...

  • hungry4choc
    17 years ago

    4 me ... da hardest part to writing a poem is picking a subject ... once i find a topic i just write down wateva pops into my head ... ^^

  • Choose xX Alex Xx Life
    17 years ago

    my poems tend to take about 10-20 minutes once i have started my heart just poors if i leave it until the next day my body isnt feeling the saem an so my poems become strange an unthoughtful xxxx alex xxxx

  • Hamburger-Herm
    17 years ago


  • donna
    17 years ago

    my ideas tend to come when I am trying to sleep *doh.. normally I write em and they just flow out.. don't really have to put much time in them, most of the time.. the part 3 of the last ones I just wrote took me about 8 hours though.. mainly because I was being too picky.

  • StarvingForPerfection
    16 years ago

    It takes me about 10-20 minutes to write a poem,
    unless its a really long poem.

  • Amy Hernandez
    16 years ago

    I ont try to write ,.. If I do it turns out crap .. I think constantly about a million differet things I think I have add seriouskly but I'll think about something just enough I'll grab my funky notebook and write unless I lose my train of thjought they are under 10 minutes I do go back re read and change things tho

  • Viola
    16 years ago

    I usually write quite quickly too..once i have an idea or a stanza formulated in my head the words just flow out of me..almost without thought.
