I want abuse...

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Yo, so like i like getting compliments on my writing as i imagine everyone does aye?

    Yet what i really desire is critism, constructive of course, but it's one thing to be told you're on the right track with a good piece of work....still, it's the rare few people who've offered me advice that i really remember....i thing Randy East was one of them...so yeah...if you got the time...i'd like a bit of stick please...i'll return the favour i assure you.

    Cheer brothers and sisters of the Word.

  • Ashley Morris
    19 years ago

    i read and commented. don't know how you could improve. your poems are really good.

  • David Munoz
    19 years ago

    Hmmm...... one thing you should try and do is try and make your poems user friendly. How? Use easier words to understand and write about things that alot of people can relate to. Well, that my abuse. Anyone Else?

  • Aken Sol
    19 years ago

    Sean Allen. He offers excellent constructive critcism on poems.
    Aken Sol