
  • Aken Sol
    19 years ago

    First off, I'm rell sorry that something like this happened to you. I know, from experience, that you can't run from your past or it'll just eat you up in the end. You have to confront it and beat it and if you need to, ask help from a friend. Have you tried talking to a counceler about this? Are there any types of treatments for the herpes? And trust me, your life isn't over. There's too much to live for. If you need to talk, my e-mail's akensol@yahoo.com You'll get over this.
    Aken Sol

  • Aken Sol
    19 years ago

    If you really need someone to talk to or lend an ear, my email's akensol@yahoo.com
    And it's not your fault. You can't blame yourself for what these guys did to you. And usually, the prosecuters will you give some advice on how to deal with the cross-examine. Good luck.
    Aken Sol

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Aw hen, rape is quite possibly the worst thing one human being can do to another without killing them. Now i don't pretend to know how you feel, but i do know that if you can, somehow get through this, the strength and insight you will gain will be amazing...really worth the effort.

    Let it out if you can. I have a poem, which i didn't write about rape...but about internalising problems...it's called "Bounce"...i feel kinda lame offering this as help...but unless you want to mail me..

    LeCosmic@hotmail.com....i ain't sure what else i can say...good luck.

  • lostnloveless15
    19 years ago

    sorry you had to go through that e-mail iv got a new e-mail lostnloveless15@yahoo.com
