The problem with infatuation...

  • David Munoz
    20 years ago

    Hello Eva. I know how it feels when someone you really like doesnt want to be in a relationship with you (For whatever reason), and there's someone who really likes you alot but you don't feel as much for them as for the other person. Well, If I were you, I would give #2 a chance. Why? Because If you don't, your doing the same thing the other person is doing to you. Yeah I know it hurts to let the one you really like go, but if you can't be with them, whats the point of holding on. #1 might be the greatest person in the world, but if he wont have you, then hes not the one for you. On the other hand, #2 would glady have you, and he might turn out even better than #1 (After you get to know him). Well, hope this helps.