Autism poems.

  • Michelle
    18 years ago

    Does anyone know where I can find poetry on Autism or related to Autism ? Thanks.


  • Truest Lies
    18 years ago

    Hum, what's autism...
    I know, I know, I should get a dictionary- But what is it?


  • Michelle
    18 years ago

    Hello Beth,

    It's okay. Thanks for asking. Try this website: ..... It may help you understand Autism Spectrum Disorders more.

    Autism is mainly a neurological disorder which affects individuals emotionally, socially, behaviorally, and communication wise. People with Autism can range with abilities. Many Autistic individuals have many talents. Some are good at math, reading, astronomy, dates, computers, and so forth. Einstein and Bill Gates are thought to be Autistic; atleast, higher-functioning Autism.

    Many people with Autism; especially, higher-functioning individuals appear normal within their daily lives. Some regress though before the age of 5, losing some or all communication skills, and some have to have therapies such as ST; Speech Therapy, OT; Occupational Therapy, and PT; Physical Therapy.

    If you have any specific questions, I will be more than happy to answer them. You can email me anytime at Thanks.


  • Truest Lies
    18 years ago

    Oh right. I heard about it in a movie called The Rainman, but I thought it was something invented.
    A great film by the way...and so sorry, but I haven't heard of any poems based on it.


  • Denise Penrose
    18 years ago

    a little late my poem about autism is on this site.I have an eight year old boy with autism. hope it helps.

  • Choose xX Alex Xx Life
    16 years ago

    I write poems about my brother with autism you can read them if you like :D xxx alex xxx