Just curious...

  • Terri Lynn
    19 years ago

    Hey there Cassie
    Well, I am a 14 year old, and the truth is they think their more mature then they actually are. Alot of my friends don't take sex seriously when it should be. It's all a big joke to them. One of my friends came up to me yesterday and said " I think I might be pregnant Ter, haha, we didn't use a condom, awe well, guess we'll know soon enough!"
    They think their mature? Thats a laugh, half of them won't take the responsibility to feed their gold fish, let alone use a condom.

  • Katie Marie
    19 years ago

    I'm 15 now, but when I was 14 I lost my virginity. We used a condom, but it broke. I had to wait 3 weeks to see if I would have my period or not, thank God I did because I have no clue what I would have done if I would of brought a baby into this world at my age. I loved him, but he didn't feel the same. I guess an answer to your question is people feel like they have to in order to keep love, but it only NORMALLY brings more trouble than it's worth! Hope I helped! -Katie

  • Terri Lynn
    19 years ago

    When people are talking about t.v. and magazines influencing kids to have sex, and pressuring them to do to do it, I know i get a little defensive and offended. I feel this way because, I say much more mature then I'm being treated. However, I'll admit that it does influence teenagers to have sex. I hate to admit it actually, but your very right to say it.
    No, i'm not having sex and 14, i know better. But it's a topic always thrown around, and acted upon in my group of friends, alot of it is becuz of the music we listen to, and the shows we watch.

  • Manders
    19 years ago

    I am am not young.. but i have a little sister.. and she was sexualy active at the age of 16.. Mind you that's older then a lot of teens having sex now a days.. But young people see sex, and know about at a much younger age now.. So they want to try it out.. My only problem is.. The ones that have sex with many different partners/people and don't use any type of protection...

    For those who do that!!! you are crazy.. you are to young to even be thinking about kids.. and what would happen if you for a STD!!! it's not like you can have sex with just anyone anymore....

    Having sex is one thing... That will happen no matter what you try and say.. as long as they are using protection, and know what they are getting into then go ahead.. But when you get prego, and think ohhh no what do I do.. You may wanna think this...


    So many young people today have sex, get prego. and think abortion is there birth control pill!!! You can probably tell I am against abortion. but that's another topic...

    have sex if you want.. just use protection!!!!

  • Manders
    19 years ago

    Well I lost mine when I was 16.. maybe 15.. I thought I likes this guy a lot.. I was drunk, and we had sex.. It wasn't great or anything.. but I could now say I had sex with someone... The he cheated on me.. So when I look back on it... It was an experience.. and I learned from it.. Now I have someone i love and am getting married to soon.. So I guess it was all worth it in the end..

    You do some stupid things when you are young.. But you learn from them.. sex is sex. everyone wants to try it.. just use protection ;-)

  • Manders
    19 years ago

    no not really.. It happened.. and I thought it was right at the time.. It's something that made me smarter.. and understand life better..

    I do regret letting a guy I once liked a lot.. walk me to a park, and rape me.. To have someone you though you trust violate you lik that.. It still sends chills up my spin... So yes I regret that.. I wish I would have took a chunk of his penis off with my teeth!!! and spit it in his face..

    as for my first time. No.. I am who I am today because of all my choices good or bad!

  • CC
    19 years ago

    hey well sex is making love... making love you do with someone you LOVE.... not jsut for pleasure... I lost mine at 12 years old and I regret it still... I was drunk and didnt know what I was doing I did it to forget about my pain and depression... you don't want to end up like me... luckily im not pregnant...