Challenges, what purpose should they serve

  • Jacklyn
    18 years ago

    i love the challenges. it adds a little excitement and i think it can show some of the things you may need to improve and it shows how different people can take one topic and creatively show it in a different way than you thought about taking it.


    18 years ago

    I'm with Jacklyn, the challenges are awesome. I think it's a great way to interact with the other clubs and really explore our poetic abilities.
    I loved the head to head competition, that's been my favorite so far.
    I also enjoy the playful banter between the club rivals EOP and CC&P. It reminds me of high school, without those annoying cheerleaders with their silly pom-poms.
    Give me an E, Give me an O, Give me a P
    Give me a!

    **Note to any cheerleaders that may read this, I didn't mean you :)

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    I love the challenges too, and even though i can be a little fussy over the winners, I think it's great that so many people get involved and show some grit and passion for writing.

    I may even create a challenge myself....called the write something Kevin will like.

    Tough room.