Just a Plain Cutter

  • ~**~SARAH~**~
    19 years ago

    honestly you sound like me talking about 3 months back i was addicted to cutting i would do it on my wrists intill they where covered then i did my ankles then my legs hips and my bikini line i did my arms manly avery where i could then i got caught they sent me to a councler then she amediatly sent me to the hospital cuz one of my friends gave her a note book that i would right in
    insted of doing my work it said some of my attemps to kill my self it allso listed when i cut what time and why well they took me in handcuffs to a mental instatution that didn't help in till i noticed that i was hurting my boyfriend and the parts of my family that i cared about i was hurting them not only myself now i only cut every week thats alot better
    look just know that you are bigger then the blade and that even though you are addictid to the pleasure and trust me i know how that feels you can go with out doing it look just don't cut as much and go less and less then aventually you wont need it!!try it it's working for me!!

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    I'm 22 years old right now. When i was about 14 my father tried to rape me. At that point in my life i could not turn to anybody to ashamed to talk. I cut my family off and cut my friends off. Instead i took up the best thing in the world, so it seemed at the time. I cut my arms. I cut them so deep i scars that bubble over my skin. When i was doing this i did not care. Because it was a high that nobody can image. I always said seeing blood felt better than any other drug i ever tasted. Anyways the one thing you don't reilze right now is that your family does care about you. Even if they seem like they don't. They don't want you to get hurt. Think now of somebody who means the world to you maybe its your mother, maybe its grandmother. What if they were cutters and cut to deep. You too would care that they were hurting themselfs. You can not see this now. But in time you will see that you have love all around you. Even in places that you would never expect like the interent. Because you will find forums and places like this were you can write and use your hands for something constructive. Instead of something deconstructive. Trust me honey i've been in your shoes. What you need to do is find out what is hurting you so badly and try to talk to someone about it. Let out your pain and emotions. Because its not good to keep them inside it will only cause more pain in the future. If you need to talk i'm always willing to talk. click on my link and i have a send personal email. I will gladly write back when ever you need. I will try to help you anyway i can. Be Safe!!!
