+CONTEST+ mother nature (big prizes)

  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago

    The Winners of my Mother Nature themed Contest are as follows. And mind you, this was not an easy task.

    1st) Live in Unison With Nature by Daniel Mulvany
    2nd)Untitled by Ruby
    3rd)power of the wind by Poonam
    4th)Peaceful Silence by Sunny
    5th)A Tree In Winter by Apathetic Soul
    6th)Love between Moon and Lake by PURE HEART

    The following, I never planned on having any special awards, but I decided I would need one after reading it....

    Honnor Award: TRAMP by Sluvious



    +Live in Unison With Nature: Very beautifully written. Unique rhyming scheme,
    but flowed nicely once I got used to it.

    +Untitled: Very nicely done. Easy to read, nice imagry.. just all around great read!

    +power of the wind: Very descriptive. Great imagry.

    +A Tree In Winter: Very descriptive. You paint such a beautiful picture with your words.

    +Love between Moon and Lake: I didnt really "feel" this one. But, it was an amazing concept, and a not an easy one to tackle either.

    +TSUNAMI: It tells the story well, But it lacked the feeling I was really looking for. More specifically, I would have liked the focus to be more on the wave (mother nature) than the people

    +TRAMP: Beautifull poem. It was yes, about an animal, but didnt stick so much to the theme of
    "mother nature" that I was going for. When I said "animals" I was meaning a wild animal, rather than a domesticated one. Sorry I didnt make that more clear. But, none the less, I could not let this go without reward!


    1st - All poems commented on and rated (or at least all the ones I havnt already done) and a mention in my profile
    2nd - Half of all your poems commented and rated
    3rd - 5 Comments and Votes
    4th - 4 Comments and Votes
    5th - 3 Comments and Votes
    6th - 2 Comments and Votes

    Honnor Award - 5 Comments and Votes

    All Awards will be payed out by Next Sunday.

    Thank You!

  • Daniel Mulvany
    18 years ago

    Live in Unison With Nature

    Through the long lost days of past
    For the rest of my days until the last
    I'll remember the things of the present day
    So as not to lose them fast
    And life will go on bittersweet
    With the songbirds gentle tweet
    And the treetops subtle sway
    Never stilling to a stop complete
    But when the sway stops or the tweet
    Stills to lose its steady beat
    My soul will long to fly away
    To the land of golden streets
    Then forever in reply
    The songbirds singing in the sky
    Never will tail far away
    From the sway of the treetops high
    And nature goes on ever still
    Never losing rhythm until
    The songbirds tweet or the treetops sway
    We the humans of this world kill

  • swill
    18 years ago

    Topic: WATER


    The ocean rose with a brilliant blue,
    The winter sun shone bright, yet not strong.
    “The day’s just begun!” said the mother of two,
    She kissed both her boys and hummed a song.

    The three were on vacation,
    In the land of the white elephant;
    Thailand was a fine destination,
    Till today, for it was time for nature to hunt.

    “I’m going to play ball, Mama!”
    Informed the eldest son;
    “I’m off to the pool!” said the younger,
    “Bye!” both of them said in unison.

    Hotel Sea Breeze was a tiny seaside inn,
    The pool was by the hall;
    Mama’s little one was wild with joy,
    The elder one loved ball!

    The perfect vacation, thought the mother,
    Just as she saw two pet dogs bark;
    Just then the horses run and the birds flutter
    And the sun bathing mom grew dark.

    How strange, she thought for this change,
    Maybe this is a warning from above;
    She saw the seashells in plenty,
    The ocean had stepped back as if to bow.

    She looked at the sea, she rubbed her eyes,
    She wondered what was wrong,
    Was it the sea or her eyes?
    Ah! Suddenly her mind heard a gong.

    She was definitely not mistaken,
    What she saw was a massive wave!
    The horizon rose on her,
    The sea had begun its rave.
    Tsunami, tsunami! She tried to yell,
    Her mouth had opened up,
    However the sound was not heard,
    As the water filled her mouth back up.

    Her eyes were hazy; sand crept up her nose,
    Pool and ball was all she thought.
    The gull above saw a beach of blue,
    With red umbrellas floating like tots.

    Older John heard the crashing wave,
    He leapt up to the window to see;
    His brother’s pool was not in sight
    And his mother’s beach was like blue tea.

    He burst into tears and screamed,
    He knew at once the two were drowning;
    “Who should I save first God, help me!”
    He shrieked, and started howling.

    With no delay, he lunged towards the pool,
    He saw his brother’s green trunks!
    Silently praying, he jumped in the foam
    And pulled out the handsome hunk.

    “Oh! Oh! Thank you God!” said John,
    His brother was pale yet live and well.
    “Wait here little Bill I’ll go to Mama!”
    He picked a tube leapt into the wet hell.

    “Mom!” He shouted over and over,
    All he got was the sea’s foaming hiss,
    He lost no hope and searched the sea
    For four hours, with a golden wish.

    He slowly knew she wasn’t there,
    He wailed, shed blinding tears;
    One last time he shouted out loud
    “Hear Mom! Here!”

    The sea had retreated with its soil,
    Left only stony expanse beneath;
    No more was there hope and joy,
    All that was left was death.

    “I must go back to little Bill!”
    Said John to himself,
    Oh I cannot lose him Lord!
    Help me help myself!

    He hurried back to Bill in tears,
    And a nightmare he saw swell;
    Bill must have gone for Mom!
    He thought, I’ve lost him as well!

    This cannot be! Oh no!
    His mind tore him away;
    Under all the pain and misery
    John fainted, and at the pool he lay.

    Nature had unleashed herself that day,
    It seemed she had not spared a fly;
    The ocean hath whelped up its shells,
    Anyone in between would have to die.

    John awoke in ‘St. Mary’s Home’,
    You wouldn’t believe what he saw;
    It was the most astonishing thing,
    Mother’s eyes and his brother’s paw!

    What? John pinched himself to believe
    That sight he stared at was true,
    The pinch hurt, it wasn’t just a dream,
    It was a dream come true!

    Mother had saved herself,
    Rushed to the pool to save Bill;
    John had gone to find her,
    So God’s prayer bank she did fill.

    God answered all their prayers,
    John, fainted at the pool she found;
    She lifted him up with daring courage,
    And the three were safe and sound.

    Nature had been merciful,
    She was a mother too, after all;
    To the three She had left a message,
    ‘God is merciful to one and all.’

    -Dhaval Shah

    18 years ago

    Love between Moon and Lake

    The sky is so dark and moon is so white,
    yet they are together every night.

    The lake so calm holds the moon,
    in the silent whispers of night.
    The moon is shining so white,
    spreading its pure light.

    The breeze blows to touch the soul of lake,
    and tries to kiss the moon lying on the bed of the lake.

    The lake shivers and thrills,
    with the blow of insane breeze.
    The moon is lying on the chest of the lake,
    and the tide is disturbing the peace.

    The birds' chirping breaks the silence,
    the leaves are singing and playing the violin.
    All the creatures like frog, swan and dove,
    are together humming the song of love.

    The moon whizzles in the arms of the lake,
    feeling the love for his own sake.
    But he knows he cannot be there forever,
    because his fate is with the sky and not with the lake ever.

    Still the love between the moon and the lake is so strong,
    they meet every night breaking all the bonds.
    The sky can just look at the scene,
    as he knows the real one is with him...

  • Sole
    18 years ago

    Good Luck Everyone!

    *Poem Withdrawn*

  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago

    From now on, please everyone, clearly lable what topic your poem is under, I know it should be obvious, but humor me,...

    and just to check...

    +Daniel Mulvany,

    Im assuming yours is under the topic of "Animals"
    IF NOT, please specify.



    I currently have yours under "Water" If that is incorrect, I need to know.


    It seems you posted after both water spaces were taken up, BUT, I will still accept yours....
    BUT BE CLEAR, there will be no other acceptions.... For now, there is no deadline untill more spaces are taken up.

    thank you, keep up the good work

    18 years ago

    yeah! its under -water.

  • Sole
    18 years ago

    :o Sorry! My bad - I'm going to withdraw my poem.

    Peace. [Sole]

  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago

    *sigh* but I really liked yours lol..... but I guess your right lol.. I shouldnt bend the rules for people, but for what its worth, it really was beautifull!!!

  • Sole
    18 years ago

    Thanks :) I might enter another a little later - not time to write at the moment though, sorry!

  • swill
    18 years ago

    sunny...i hate you :P give us some chance to win now will you....hahaha again youre gonna win :P awesomeeeeeeeee poem

  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago

    good work guys!!! keep it up!!!

  • PS
    18 years ago

    topic wind

    edit: i just wanted to rearrange it a bit, easier on the eyes:

    power of the wind

    the wind holds the power
    to carry the lowest soul
    to the highest of all mountains
    let yourself be taken,
    be held in its power
    fly among the clouds the stars the birds
    see the sun up close, let it carry you.
    the breeze brings the fragrances of
    all exotic flowers. The jasmine
    circles you, calling, the soft scent
    teases in the light zephyr. The wind
    tickles the green leaves upon the tallest trees.

    the wind also battles on the darkest of days.
    The mixture of clouds, fear, rain,
    and fury fight along side And against the wind.
    Raging against the hard angry reign of
    humans. The droplets pushed by the tempest,
    hit you hard making you fall to the ground
    in submission. And air pulls
    your long obsidian hair
    making you stare at the
    furious wind dominated sky.

    Cherish all nature around you,
    for the wind is the guardian who
    can hold you tight and carry you high
    to another plane or destroy you
    with the lightest of buffets.
    So listen and love
    and fly higher and be humbled.

  • No Need For A Name
    18 years ago

    Topic: FIRE
    Crashing Fire

    A crashing fire
    Light the night sky
    Show true beauty
    Hit the sky to make your noise
    Finger of God branding the world over us
    Showing that dark is only dark
    No death within it
    No Destruction within it
    No fear within it
    The crahing fire unmasks the dark night

  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago


    5 More Left!!!

  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago


    I have just put a deadline for all remaining entries!

    FRIDAY, MAY 12th

    After Midnight, US Eastern Time, I will not accept any more entries.

    Thank you.

  • Daniel Mulvany
    18 years ago

    Mine, I would say, would be under trees. Sorry about the confusion.

  • Daniel Mulvany
    18 years ago

    I guess it really could be under either one though.

  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago

    C'mon guys!!!

  • ShadowDancer
    18 years ago

    hey can i put one n about the sesons?
    it has alot to do with mother nature...


  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago

    No Ruby, sorry. Maybe in a future contest. This one has to specifically do with the previous stated topics.

  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago

    c'mon people... no more takers???

  • ShadowDancer
    18 years ago

    Sun yellow, bright red
    the colour of her clothes
    flickering from tree to tree
    and burning as she goes

    devouring all in her path
    as she races and leaps so high
    leaving behind blue-grey wreaths
    to float and caress the sky

    free as the sky born birds
    her temper quick to flare
    devastating as she spreads
    blinding with her glare

    tamed to light and warm and cook
    to clear, to light a pyre
    but wild to the core is she
    the raging forest fire.

  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago

    Alright, just two more spots left! a tree and an earth!

  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago

    C'mon people! only one more day!!!!!

  • unstated affinity
    18 years ago

    the sad water...

    Dip my finger into the sea
    desperate to break the wild night
    cold and smooth
    form a glee
    stay,linger , and die
    immature torrents
    crawling high, sobbing
    brought the voice of..
    from the past
    purple dream
    the speecless eye
    killing lonely
    soundless movement
    a cup of gloom
    hiding peacefully
    the dark sad water...
    it just not enough
    to make me

  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago

    I'm sorry, yuniardi, but all the water spots have already been taken.

  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago

    C'mon!!!! Only a few more hours till closing!!!!!

  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago


    Winners will be announced Sunday, May 14th.

  • swill
    18 years ago


  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago

    See Top Post for winners and other details.

  • Daniel Mulvany
    18 years ago

    Wow, thank you very much. I'm very excited. My first contest win on here. Good job, everybody else. Keep writing.

  • ShadowDancer
    18 years ago


    thanks so much!!! this was one of teh most original contests iv seen in a while


  • PS
    18 years ago

    aww thanks! that was a fun contest

  • ShadowDancer
    18 years ago

    yay awards soon!!!


  • Daniel Mulvany
    18 years ago

    Thank you for all your comments. You were very honest and I know it took alot of time. I look forward to seeing what/any contests you have in the future.
    Daniel Mulvany

  • LostHopesCrimsonTears
    18 years ago

    Youre very welcome, Im sorry I couldnt have been more critical, but for most of them, there wasnt really anything wrong with them to point out. Ive never been very good at critiques, but Im glad My comments where to your satisfaction. I will be starting a new contest very soon. Hope to see you there! :)