what will happen next?

  • *^Jezebell^*
    19 years ago

    i am a tennager and there is this guy that i have liked since the fifth grade. (i am now in tenth) he and i have had our ups and downs but i really feel that special something for him. word has it that he feels the same. i don't get why he won't make a move. we have been bestfriends. i told him how i felt and he just said ok. now he wants to be with me. but i am worried what about our friendship? i want to be with him but i don't want to ruin our friendship. what should i do?

  • Allen
    19 years ago

    :) maybe he is worried about that same thing. Great love grows from friendship. Go with you heart. He maybe a great friend now, but he could be the love of you life, you don't make a move, you'll never find out...

  • Ally
    19 years ago

    I agree with Allen. You should do what your heart says, but don't sit around waiting for him to make that first move. Some guys are like that. If it doesn't work out then it just wasn't meant to be. Stuff happens.. You just take what life gives you and make the best of it.

  • *^Jezebell^*
    19 years ago

    hey you guys thanks for the advice. it was really helpful. some things just won't ever change though. we talked about what could be and what would happen to what we have... we have decided that we will just stay friends and if anything just happens we won't do anything to stop it. i think that's fair. right?