new contest

  • ShadowDancer
    18 years ago

    iv had a rather interesting idea.

    write about some aspect, such as the seasons, fire, a tree, a lake or anything, only write about it as if it was a person. fif you dont understand, for an example, read my poem "the seasons children".

    ill be interested to see who enters

    1st: 7 detailed comments and votes if you wish
    2nd: 5 detailed comments
    3rd: 3
    and 4th: 1

    contest closed with 10 poems, or when the intrest has dried up

  • unstated affinity
    18 years ago

    isn't it wonderful...?

    Isn't it wonderful..?
    our last winter..
    when a story was written
    by the sky of heaven...

    the rythm of the wind..
    bring us to a dream
    where our soul and faith
    lies within the overflowing stream...

    the stars...
    like the tears of thousands angels..
    flowing and swaying..
    unsteady but gentle..
    the moon..
    like the melodies of our hearts..
    so sweet and tender..

    isn't it wonderful..?
    to walk on each other hands..
    in the impeccable place.
    where we found our wishing star

    isn't it wonderful..?
    to be always together..
    loving each other..
    wherever we are..

  • Wings Of Flames
    18 years ago

    Ice Burn

    Grass dancing in the breeze,
    Golden tinge from the sun,
    Crystal water springs,
    Where the warm nights had begun,

    Bleached skin in the waves,
    The salty, sandy fumes,
    Glazed stars in the water,
    To take away the glooms,

    Petals shake in the air,
    Of the warmth and the green,
    Colours of a rainbow,
    Like nothing you've ever seen,

    Sun beating down,
    Encouraging us to grow,
    To love and to cherish,
    Of things we should always know,

    Orange dressing stars,
    And shoot onto the ground,
    The battle has begun,
    But without a sound,

    Fallen Reddened soldiers,
    Cut from their homey fire,
    The warmth then bitter cold,
    Lost of all desire,

    Crystalised the lake,
    With a finger print,
    Stripped the girls of clothing,
    And killed the cloves of mint,

    Sprayed the dew of morn',
    Onto the window pane,
    Then sprinkled over silver,
    In the Winter rain.

    I hope its ok,
    Good luck peeps

  • minnie30567746
    18 years ago

    Water Poem

    Running the the precious earth,
    noone really sees what you're worth.

    You provide sustenance, for all mankind,
    short,black, deaf, or blind.

    Swirling around, your depths, such a mystery,
    I lie afloat, you gently lift me.

    Falling down a rocky path,
    on mother nature, you take your wrath.

    Destroying ships, lives taken,
    And yet you are always there, unshaken?

    Working with all of creation, it's true
    We wouldn't be here, if it weren't for you!

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    "The Spring"
    by Wings of an Angel

    I like all the seasons,
    but everyone has a "thing"
    We all have our favorites,
    Mine is the spring.

    The season is wonderful,
    the grass turnes green,
    The flowers come forward,
    the most beautiful sight ever seen.

    The kids start to play outside,
    With fotballs and jumping ropes.
    I look into their eyes with pleasure,
    And all I see is hope.

    I can understand their joy,
    after a winter with so much snow.
    You can't help but smile in this season,
    You can't help but not feel low.

    The spring is really perfect,
    It is really like sent from above.
    I do like all four seasons.
    But the spring is the one I love.

    18 years ago

    Love between Moon and Lake...

    The sky is so dark and moon is so white,
    yet they are together every night.

    The lake so calm holds the moon,
    in the silent whispers of night.
    The moon is shining so white,
    spreading its pure light.

    The breeze blows to touch the soul of lake,
    and tries to kiss the moon lying on the bed of the lake.

    The lake shivers and thrills,
    with the blow of insane breeze.
    The moon is lying on the chest of the lake,
    and the tide is disturbing the peace.

    The birds' chirping breaks the silence,
    the leaves are singing and playing the violin.
    All the creatures like frog, swan and dove,
    are together humming the song of love.

    The moon whizzles in the arms of the lake,
    feeling the love for his own sake.
    But he knows he cannot be there forever,
    because his fate is with the sky and not with the lake ever.

    Still the love between the moon and the lake is so strong,
    they meet every night breaking all the bonds.
    The sky can just look at the scene,
    as he knows the real one is with him...

    ***in this the lake and moon are considerd as lovers***

  • ShadowDancer
    18 years ago

    is this all? if no new posts in 3 dyas, ill close the contest and anounce the winners

    come on guys


  • gemowski
    18 years ago


    There you are you shine so bright you give my light all through the night,

    there you are a burning flame,
    as i stare i feel no pain.

    there you are a warm hot flame,
    burning my body all over again.

    i love to be greeted every night,
    you take the ease from my daily fight.

    oh how i love it when you shine so bright.
    you are my fire my pain my fight
    you are my strength morning to night.

    you are the fire of my life.

  • Jenna Balkin
    18 years ago

    Ok, this is a really retarted poem ( lol ) But I quickly scrapped this down so I could enter this comp :) Gotta be in it to win it right? Well anyway..Mines about Fire to....( One my favorite things in the world )

    Fire Fire,
    You are my knight...
    you protect me from the dark,
    providing me with light...

    Your there to listen,
    to my silent tears...
    When I cant sleep,
    because of my fears...

    Dancing graceful,
    with silky flame...
    When you finish,
    you'll show me again...

    I'll be your saviour,
    and keep you alive...
    You give me your warmth,
    and together we will survive...

  • ShadowDancer
    18 years ago

    ok, so two or three to go

    keep it up guys


  • ShadowDancer
    18 years ago

    ok, due to lack of intrest i declair this contest closed (you have 24 hours to enter if you still want)

    ill judge this weekend


  • End Of Eternity
    18 years ago


    Sitting at the edge of a river
    as the sound of water touch my feets
    deep inside this river there is a light
    through the reflection of a lonely moon
    i keep staring at the reflection
    until it start smiling at me too

    i know its a dream which won’t last for long
    but i see a path through this river to reach you
    so i step forward, not knowing if its right or wrong
    on this path unknown with your face in my eyes
    i kept drowning till i could feel no more

    trusting this smiling moon i keep following to nowhere
    flashback in my mind of life i am leaving behind forever
    no remorse as no one will miss me or would even care

    as i keep walking i see my words i ever wrote for you
    coming out of my book which is floating through
    and i could touch them as they whisper in my ears
    raising my heartbeat and blending this river with my tears

    i can see your arms at the edge of this endless river
    and could feel love waiting to embrace my soul
    the more i get close to moon, the more my heart quiver

    tardily, this river turns into red
    as the moon is set on fire
    i think the dawn is here again
    once again murdering my desires

    its been years having the same dream
    for once if i could reach the other end
    and could see that waiting beautiful sight
    if for once i could reach before day's maiden light

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    wonder who wins...?