~*Ten Titles, You Pick.*~

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago

    (10) ~Lying Under The Stars~

    Lying Under The Stars
    Waiting for the perfect moment
    To call you my own
    This was no accident

    For I love you
    More and more each day
    I can't believe this view
    Out here by the bay

    It is beautiful
    Just like you
    The sky so colorful
    Almost as if it was drew

    Looking at you so deeply
    I move in for the kiss
    Touching your lips amply
    Hands in hands, what a heavenly bliss

    Holding you tight
    Not wanting to let go
    Thinking what a perfect night
    As we sit there in aglow

    © Copyright 2006 By: Italian Stallion

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago


    The rain outside, like the pitter-patter of feet,
    Moistening my cheeks, as I walk along the street.
    My tears are flowing hard, but the rain-washes them away,
    It's dark and cold, despite it's the middle of the day.

    Blood flowing from my open wounds, getting beat up again,
    Cuts and bruises everywhere, I feel so brittle and thin.
    My arm broken, bending in the wrong direction,
    Walk to a puddle, and see my bloody reflection.

    Left eye blacked up, shirt ripped and blood stained,
    As the rain comes down harder, as to see I strain.
    Lightning and Thunder boom and flash across the sky,
    No one around to hold me, no one to help me not cry.

    Rain pouring down, soaked from head to toe,
    I'm so far from home, yet have nowhere to go.
    Someone please, save me from the rain,
    For I am so sad and in pain.

    ~*Who Cares?*~

  • Lu
    18 years ago

    # 1 ~ A Dream of Death

    Floating so gracefully
    peace within my soul
    seeing your beautiful face
    smiling in the distance

    reaching out my arms
    to finally hold you again
    lights so wondrous
    comfort to my eyes

    trying to move closer
    invisible restraints
    overpower my will
    your face slowly fading

    a whisper brushes my cheek
    that it's not yet my time
    I love you kisses my ear
    as you fade into the darkness

    awakening in my own bed
    seeing you only in my dreams
    missing you more than ever
    as I wipe a tear from my eye


  • ShadowDancer
    18 years ago

    #8 relfection

    In calm water or a looking glass
    In windows as you glance behind
    Out of the corner of you eye
    Reflections you can find

    Glass buildings reflecting in the sun
    Even polished tables show
    When we peer hard enough
    A face we so well know

    Copies we find everywhere
    Things we can’t touch and see
    Another world just like ours
    With another you and me

  • FlirtingWithDeath
    18 years ago

    #7-Love Storm

    ~Love Storm~

    Lying here with you
    Our love grows stronger
    Fights and lies
    Don’t exist when we
    Are together
    In each others arms.

    Take care of me
    And I will take care
    Of you.
    Be my first
    On a moonlight night
    Keep me safe
    And let me trust you.

    Our love storm will
    Be everlasting,
    Thunder and lightning
    Will awake the sleepy night.

    No worries or sorrows
    Will touch our lives
    No fears or doubts
    Will haunt our
    Spirits ever again.

    Let this be our time
    Let us awake the night
    Let it be known
    That I love you
    And make our
    Love storm
    Be heard
    Through out the world.

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    (3) My Fantasy

    Were lying here beneath the stars,
    In this forest, the night is ours.
    You look at me, with burning eyes,
    Then looking back, at the skies.
    You say you wish we could be true,
    You say you wish it was me and you.
    You say your life is missing me,
    That you with me is meant to be.
    All of a sudden I wake up in my bed,
    My heart is hurting, so is my head.
    Everything is gone, there is no more we,
    I just realized, it was just a fantasy.

  • Sean Dohr
    18 years ago

    ~Fallen Leaf (6)~

    I'm bothered by the fact,
    that you treasure my mom.
    I'm the one who does right,
    when she does everything wrong.

    I don't quite understand,
    where it is I stand with you.
    Or what it is I have to do,
    to make you love me too.

    She's done nothing with her life,
    and caused you only grief,
    yet you enable her and baby her,
    like the ground catches a leaf.

    What exactly did she do,
    that was so special in the past?
    What exactly did you feel,
    that made your love last?

    Just tell me grandpa, please,
    why it is you love her so.
    I promise if you tell me,
    I will never let her know.

    ~Sean Dohr~

  • Avrii Monrielle
    18 years ago

    oops lol

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    #4 The Moon and The Stars

    On that long ago night
    When we walked along
    Hand in hand
    Under the moon..

    Under the stars we were
    Held in an embrace
    So tight
    I could not let you go
    I needed you with me
    I loved you..

    You lifted my chin
    And looked at me
    With pained eyes..
    You pushed the hair
    Off my tearstained face
    And placed a delicate kiss
    On my once smiling lips

    I love you
    You said..
    I will always love you
    I said..
    On that long ago night
    Under the moon and the stars
    We said good-bye
    Good-bye forever..

    hehe.. hope you like it :)
    jessy xox

  • Latasha
    18 years ago

    #2 My fairy tale...
    by Latasha

    His soothing voice was magic to my ears,
    Nothing seemed to good to be true,
    Tumbling into my world on his white horse,
    My fairy tale story began...

    Everything changing unable to think straight,
    My life was becoming a little bit better,
    Smiles appearing often on my teary face,
    My fairy tale story continues...

    Your promises made me believe in magic,
    Once again my childish fantasies arose,
    Always knowing it would have to end in happily ever after,
    My fairy tale story continues...

    Your kiss lit up my heart,
    I nearly melted inside,
    Never can I manage life with out you,
    My fairy tale story continues...

    Once again I'm a giddy school girl,
    Never able to forget how much you mean to me,
    Changing my life in more ways then you could ever imagine,
    My fairy tale story continues...

    I will never forget how much you said I meant to you,
    Loving me in more ways then I can count,
    Allowing me to feel like the only girl in the world,
    My fairy tale story continues...

    Slowly things are changing,
    I no longer know who you are,
    Becoming a little bit different,
    My fairy tale story begins to fade...

    Your white horse is turning black,
    I can't see the real you,
    The promises you made slowly begin to break,
    My fairy tale story fades...

    No longer the guy I thought you were,
    I wanted you in my life,
    I needed you there forever,
    My fairy tale story fades...

    No longer always smiling,
    Tears fill my face,
    Once again my world is depressing
    My fairy tale story fades...

    My heart whispers good-bye to the man I thought you were,
    Leaving me breathless your no longer mine,
    Hearts are breaking,
    As my fairy tale story fades...

    Breaking my precious heart,
    We both go our separate ways,
    We are no longer together,
    As my fairy tale ends...

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    ahh 1 more! so much stress..lol

  • Avrii Monrielle
    18 years ago


  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    18 years ago

    good job every1

  • Latasha
    18 years ago

    awww ive never won a contest before thanks for picking me:D

    and i dont care which poems u comment on, u can pick =)

  • Lu
    18 years ago

    Awww thanks Brianna Hun . I really enjoyed writing for this contest . Any of my featured poems would be fine . You choose deary .

    Great poems everyone !

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    aww.. thank youu! :D hehe.. you can choose any of my poems to do, i dont really mind! thnx again!
    lotsa lovee!
    jessy xox

  • FlirtingWithDeath
    18 years ago

    Yay I got a place...and I got a place with Abs..I mean Joe :D that makes me feel all warm of fuzzy inside. Great job everyone!!!

  • Italian Stallion
    18 years ago

    You can choose any, for I have recently written alot, and need comments and what not...Lol

    Thank you, Joe

  • FlirtingWithDeath
    18 years ago

    Ummm Nah just comment on my newer poems that I have done :D

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    this was a really fun contest! thnx for puttin it up! :)
    jessy xox