hey every1...i just lost a friend who commited suicide...

  • Joy
    19 years ago

    its kinda hard for me to write this...she really wasn't the suicidal type. she was quiet...but that doesn't mean she needed to kill herself! i really miss her a lot...and this has affected me greatly b/c iv been thinking about commiting suicide a lot lately and after this i don't think i can do that to myself, or my family. i wrote a poem about her, called You're In Our Hearts...if u want to read it, it kinda explains in more detail...thanks everyone...luv yas ~joy~

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    i'm so sorry to hear that joy. Your in my thoughts. And really sucide is the most selfish thing a person can do. IF you feel this away about your friend just think your family would be feeling the same way.

  • cyera
    19 years ago

    i jus lost a friend yesterday to suicide and its tearin me up so i feel ya.