
  • _the_punk_kid_
    19 years ago

    Hey I was just wondering if anybody could help. I've got my own issues which I wont bother to go into but basically I've been self harming for about 3years and have been trying to stop, and haven't done anything for about 4months now and it's making me go CRAZZZY! I'm finding it really difficult. I have alot of feelings inside that I need to get out and although writing does help, it's nowhere near the same. Sometimes I get panic attacks because I crave to cut so much that I actually pass out, it's ridiculous! And so I was wondering if anybody who has given up could give me some advice on what to do, or how long it's gonna feel like this, or if it will get any easier because im really starting to doubt if all this is really worth it. Thanks for bothering to read this..... beanxx