low cut shirts

  • Lydia O
    19 years ago

    I would have to agree with Eric. The real issue isn't low cut shirts. It is his controlling nature and display of irrational jealousy and anger. Hanging on to someone like this can only lead to pain and heartbreak. A painful relationship is much worse than the prospect of being alone until you can find a decent guy.

  • olivia
    19 years ago

    The way hes acting is only showin ghow insecure he is in himself and how controling he seems he might be.I also wear low cut shorts and shirt skirts 4 that mattter my hus doenst exactly do flips when i wear it out but o well.I tell him i dont wear that 4 other men or nething of the sort i wear it 4 me.He should b proud if guys look at u what diff does it make ur with him.Dont let him call u names and make u feel bad over nehting. u waer what u want if he loved u he d just tell u how beautiful and sexy u look and well shit when u go hold u closer.Hope things werk out but these r the things u have to get thru now b4 u gte married b4 it gets worse.

  • olivia
    19 years ago

    i just looked at ur profile to see how old u r >i see ur 15 and engaged wel how old is ur bf?.Just wondering...it may be one of the reasons he acts teh way he does.U are very yng so def dont jump inot somehting that ur not sure or ready for.If he acts this way not its not gonna get much better possibly just worse and ur a very yng girl dont let one guy treat u ne less than perfect.There are plenty of men and u have still alot in front of u.

  • David
    19 years ago


  • Lydia O
    19 years ago

    Andrea, all this abuse that is part of you life now is NOT what you deserve. You really do seem like a genuinely good and intelligent person who is making some very bad choices. Smart people and good people can be made to feel as though they deserve the worst in life and I think that those are the circumstances where you find yourself. You have been hurt by your father and made to feel that his abuse is what you deserve. So you choose a boyfriend who is going to continue with more of the abusive treatment that you think you deserve. You need to break free of this obsessive, self-destructive syndrome or your life is going to be just a long series of sad and tragic events that will eventually carry over to the children you may have.

    Please Andrea, for your own sake, get help! I would have some specific advice to give you fwiw but, instead of offering excuses and explanations for your bf’s abusive behavior, you need to show some real determination to want to help yourself. Sorry if my bluntness offends. Best wishes —Lydia

  • olivia
    19 years ago

    Ok well 1st thing .. u get everything u deserve .. no way never ever think u deserve to b trated bad ever.My dad also beat me all the time i used to think i desreved it also and daelt with it i also dated guys who follwed similar patterns.Youe deserve beter than that you will meet someone who will treat u liek ur the most preciuos thing on this earth dont settle 4 a asshole cause u figure u deserve that.As far as continueing into a marriage with this guy do not do not do that.You are only 15 hes 17 it ll only gte worse cause he knows he can treat u the way that he does.Once ur married it ll b sooo hard to get out all ur b doign is leaving a bad realtionship ex being ur home life and getting into a worse one.I know it seems liek this is all tehre is but its not ur a ownderful person its easy to let ppl push u down and make u feel liek its ur fault that u desreve what they do but you do not.I can totaly realte to how ur feelign but it doenst have to b this way.I hope u see taht it can be so much better id ditch this guy b4 ist too late to do so .

    if ud leik to talk email is goblincleaver@hotmail.com
    aim koadicintalect

  • olivia
    19 years ago

    Your worried bout breaking his heart ... u should b worrying bout him breaking ur neck guys liek that are no good. I do know how hard it is to leave things leik that .Yes it sux to hurt someone but not when they deserve it plus uve even said hes done it to u several times guess it didnt other him much so why should it u.I know threes always alot of sorries and im suer things ger a lil better but babe that wont last long it ll never ever change.If u aloow urself to get trapped in this ur spend the rest of life miserable and hurt an dnot knowing how much ur realy worth.YOur worth way more than this guy fuck him hes a jerk he can go control and hurt someone else.Stand up for ur self b4 u get hurt it alwyas starts with a few harsh werds i "pat" here and`there then it escalades b4 u know it it ll b no beter than ur father always hitting you.It doenst mater how sry they are after if they were sorry it wouldnt happne a 1st time so come along the 10th time sry means shit.Your only 15 it took me till i was 20 to see i didnt desreve those type of guys i wnet with guys who hurt me verbally pyschically emotionally cause o wlel i guess i had it coming for one reason or another.Thats wrogn tho it doenst mater if there sry if if they say nice things after or change 4 a few days or tell u how much they cant b without you theyd die or some otehr shit if u left them.None of that is true tahts just another way to keep u with them so they can continue controlling and manipulating you.Everything chnaged for me when i met my husband he showed me my self worth how important i was what i had to say counted always i know longer felt liek i deserved to b treated bad.Im worth more tahn that and so are you.Im sure your a beautiful young girl which is why he acts teh way he does about ur clothes hes scared.Scared ur find soemone who isnt a oiece of shit liek he is and he has every right to b scred.I know how u feel i realy do but i know ur reading all thses posts but u r raeding not listening.It takes alot to overcome a bad place.Overall tho its you that has to wnat to do this.Its ot the end there are men out tehre who wont treat you bad and hurt you .May not find him right away but to b alone is beter to b with someone who treats you with no self worth.You can do beter for urself but u have to want that.Think of where u want ur life to b in a few yrs think of how it is now an dit being taht way till the day you die its not a pretty future.Or if u have kids by this guy ur b putting ur child in the same situation your in with ur father cause thers no doubt your bf will become more abusive as time goes by.You dont wnat that for urself or for ur future.Think about it. I hope you make it ok thers a brighter side once u step out of the dark.

    xoxo let me know if u ever wann talk . -hugs-

  • olivia
    19 years ago


  • Lydia O
    19 years ago

    I could be mistaken but intuitiveness is telling me this has been a white knight relationship. And now he believes and has you also believing that, as a payoff, you owe him big time.

    Here is a link to some worthwhile insight if you should ultimately decide to look beyond the pattern of self-diminishing behavior and take control of your life:


  • olivia
    19 years ago

    Hey girl well im glad if nehitng ive said to u have helped in ne way.I do know so im hoping liek me u can escape what i myself thought was impossible to do .I think of where i would b now if i hadnt made a choice and it scares me to see where i know i would have eneded up. Thank fully tho now i have a wonderful supportive hus and a beautiful son who is evil lol but worth it.Just always remeber its hard to leave true but its worth it once u do.Im always available if you ned to talk.Sometiems ist easier to make hard choices if you have a lil support . Hope your ok and hes not pushing you around too much and i hope with all my heart you find the courage and strentgh to do what you need to do for urself.


  • juss an allycat
    19 years ago

    whoa ur guyz seems 2 b a lil insecure there. i mean one of the koolest things bout bein a chick is expressing the way you feel through the way we look. i think u guyz need 2 werk on the trust factor a lil, i mean if he trusts u den he'd hav nothing 2 wrry bout. its natural 4 him 2 b concerned but he seems a bit over-the-top and seems lik heez kinda putting you down. dnt change the clothes u wear to suit him but do consider how he feels. gud luk!
