Abortion......freedom of choice?? i think not

  • Kill The Complex
    19 years ago

    hey ya'll im emily im 15 and in school i recently did a project on abortion and i never really cared about it until i was researching in the topic i found the most disturbing pictures and articles on the internet and if ppl who are pro-choice and haven't seen some of these pics or read some of these articles i really think you need to reconsider take a look at this link and then tell me what you think of abortion http://www.mttu.com/abort-pics/freedom.jpg

  • Vanessa
    19 years ago

    It is, indeed a very disturbing picture. I am neither a pro nor an anti. but i think abortion is like taking someone else's life who wasn't given a single chance to live in this world. About the freedom of choice, i am not sure what or how to answer, after all, i think it is the woman's choice to abort her child or not. But well, as i have said, it is like killing someone else..


  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    You can only abort a baby in the US, up to 3 months old. I don't know what the laws are for this in other countries. Also i'm a firm beilver in abortions. Yes I also I looked at the picture and still didn't change my mind. Personaly I would never do it unless I was in a situation where I though the best thing for me was to abort the baby. ANd Yes I put in my 2 cents on the other discussion board about this issue....

  • Sean Allen
    19 years ago

    ahhhh well. A lot of things have been said, and I personally feel sketchy on all of them. As far as the whole disease thing, you can actually test your baby to see if they have any genetic diseases nowadays. but should you abort if they do? Eugenics for a new millenium anybody?

    as far as abortion goes, I want to stay away from it as much as possible, especially when it is considered a contraceptive. However, i think the largest threat that abortion poses isn't necessarily the rights of an unborn child, but a mentality that we can go around and have unprotected sex all the time and not care whether anyone gets pregnant or not. I think abortion would be less of a big deal if more people were more careful. Abortions in special and extreme circumstances, using your brain in others.

  • Kill The Complex
    19 years ago

    okay people after 11 weeks the baby is fully alive the heart is beating and all that shit HOW COULD YOU STAND TO MURDER THE BABY when it had no say in this? i mean honestly

  • Lexi Lou
    19 years ago

    how would you descibe abortion. its when you kill a baby before it is born. in my opinon it is murder whether the baby has breathed or not. i think in cases of rape and injury abortion is fine but in cases of stupidty and neiveness its your own fault and you should deal with the consequinces. the child cant chose to be dead or alive, only you can, and its not fair to deprive a soul of a life a chance because of the shame you might get...put the baby up for adoption if you dont want it, just dont kill it....

  • Fireflower
    19 years ago

    i think that abortion is totaly wrong, exept if you were raped, or it would kill you to have the child. Killing somethig.. or rather, someone that God had created and already had a plan for is one of the worst things you can do...

  • juss an allycat
    19 years ago

    ppl hu arent christians wnt share the same beliefs