Any Wiccans out there?

  • in the realm of Chaos
    19 years ago

    haha i guess not since no one is responding?

    check ya later

  • Bryce Ellner
    19 years ago

    Weeeell I'm not a wiccan, but I like to test magic spells I come just for fun if that counts. I've had one work (or possibly it was coincidence) but thats about it.


  • Cantchangeme
    19 years ago

    well yeah its a type of witch but don't let that scare you witches are not really bad twisted people, a lot of my friends are wiccans and are in a covern, im not but they recently asked me to join so i might who knows

  • in the realm of Chaos
    19 years ago

    *in a dreamy voice* ooh Bryce.. i think you've put me under your spell... ha ha! uh, yeah..



    color me fatigued

  • Aken Sol
    19 years ago

    Wiccans are somewhat like withces except without the bad image people give witches. They dont eat kids and all that nonesemse (at least i hope not because thier stew was really good but i don't know what the flavor was.... tasted like chicken).
    But yeah, encantations and other stuff is just a little part of what they do.

    Aken Sol

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    I am something of a Wiccan, though not linked to any strict coven....what exactly do you want to know my friend?

    I don't hand out spells and incantations as i walked from that path a long time ago, weary as i was of it's limitations..but i can give you information if you like.

  • Blah Blah Black sheep
    19 years ago

    Mario says: "um, are you guys serious when you talk about encantations and spells, i mean, arn't u a little too old to believe in the supernatural? even if you dont consider it supernatural, i dont see how any of it can be real. Somebody please put a spell on me!!!!"

    lol...pal...why dun you go and open up some books stacked in that corner of your room...that was about the most immature thing ive heard in ages( even if you count Bush's rhetoric)..of course wicca exists...not only that its a full-fledged proper creed... but i think Stormi can enlighten you as to the details...

  • Just Val
    19 years ago

    I used to be a wiccan, maybe I still am, LOL, I used to meditate, form my circles, spells ( and hey actually worked!! ) and all that stuff but now I have a baby so....that shood explain enough!

  • Cantchangeme
    19 years ago

    um, are you guys serious when you talk about encantations and spells, i mean, arn't u a little too old to believe in the supernatural? even if you dont consider it supernatural, i dont see how any of it can be real.

    Ok i understand what you mean if your thinking its gonna be broom sticks and pointy hats none of that is true. a lot of being a wiccan is about love for the world and people, plus if you beleive in any religion, jesus, Vishnou, Rae, do you not think they are supernatural? do you beleive? so many people, so many opinions

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    Wicca is not a religion soley for spells or the supernatural. I myself don't nessicarliy use "spells" yet i use dream magic. You have many levels and many different sorts of the Pagan/WIccan religion. This is an earth based religion...Do no harm to others type of thing. You can email at if you have any question you would like to ask.

  • *tanya*
    19 years ago

    Wiccans are part of a nature based ancient pagan reconstructionist religion. They focus on developing their own abilities to help others and themselves, such as crystal healing, divination, meditiation, and herbal lore. Wicca can be monotheist or polytheist, or even atheist (therefore, it can be secular.) That basically means, people are free to worship whatever god/gods and goddesses they choose - they could practice wicca not as a religion and still be christian, or they could worship all the gods as 'one god' or any gods they want (it doesn't matter if they mix and match from different religions and cultures) as separate deities.
    If you want more info, do a quick search on the net and you're bound to find tonnes of info!
    luv tanya

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Wiccans use elaborated metaphorical rituals to do one thing....FOCUS THEIR MINDS!....

    Thats all they do, they chant and tie knots and dance and get dressed up to channel their thoughts into whatever they want, which may be anything from money to love.

    Anyone who gets put off by the ritual side of things and all that broomstick crap is forgivably unaware that every time they wish for something in their minds they are doing exactly what Wiccans do on a lesser scale....Witchcraft is a severely limited believe system, though it does have some nice nature loving elements [ and elementals har har]

    E-mail me @ if any of you have some queries..........

  • Lexi Lou
    19 years ago


  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Yes Mario...yes..........

  • twisted faith
    19 years ago

    i'd kindda say i was a wiccan but its hard 2 xplain 2 ppl wot 1 is

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Wiccans are funny little critters....i had a Wiccan high priest say she'd prove to me the power of her covens magic by visiting my bedroom in astral form and then later describing the contents of the room.....i forgot to tell her i'd previously, after a nasty encounter with a Succubus of the violent variety, put in plkace with the help of a Reiki Master... an energy shield around the room...she was not impressed at all....still though...she thought i was cool enough to rutt me.

  • xX Toxic Cure Xx
    19 years ago

    ima witch....

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Yo Mario..if you're cursed then it's only becuase you believe in it....sort your head out mate, the only curses that are real are the verbal profanities.