on average, how long does it take you to write a decent poem?

  • in the realm of Chaos
    19 years ago

    my poems dont take much time out of my life: i good 5 to 20 mins, on average... but i think they show it... how long does it take you to write a decent poem???


    the one who speaks volumes, without saying a single word

  • Sean Allen
    19 years ago

    it depends, some poems I have in my head for days before writing them down, but the writing takes less than 5 minutes. Some poems I craft on paper, and can takes 30-45 minutes. On average, I would say 10-15 minutes

  • don mohr
    19 years ago

    i write throughout the day getting inspiration
    from deep down. i am home detention for a DUI.
    i didnt hurt anyone, but i am going stir crazy-so i
    pace around the house all day thinking about all
    of you here in this site!!!ha ha ha!!!! If you people
    only knew (all ages considered here) how much
    you are helping an old OG get through this crap
    called life. 2-3 minutes babe. per poem i mean.

  • Shædow Poet
    19 years ago

    Depends. Sometimes it will be night and I'd have an idea to write down, if it's good, maybe a few mins. Other times it could take 5 mins. Never have I taken more than 10 mins to write a poem.

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Usually, if a have a problem brewing in my nogging for a while, the poem comes out like magic...and i may only have to fine tune it..in which case 10-20 minutes...

    Other times i have to force it out, and that can take hours or days...once or twice months....

  • Kevin J
    19 years ago

    I have no clue really. It takes a long time for me, because I'm constantly revising lines. The thought process takes a while and it should really, i mean if you want to put your best forward. I'm a little shocked at how quick some of you write. If I were guess-timate my time it would range in days or weeks, not minutes. It takes me that long to type..lol

    Also I never sat down and completed a poem from start to finish in one sitting. I write a few lines and when I get stuck(always do), I go away and come back to it later with refreshed ideas.

    I'm proud of what write, but man you ppl make me feel stupid/slow...and I never took the short bus:p

  • Ş∂ņďħy∂
    19 years ago

    Same here, I write poems every now and then. Some are complete and some are incomplete.. some i feel aren't good enough. So i keep them in a folder called "Edit me". Then when ever i have time i edit them and keep.
    Else i write in 5-10 minutes.. At a stretch. It all depends on mood, time and .... many other things.

  • vanessarrr
    19 years ago

    if i'm totally inspired- minimum is 5 min. max is 15.

    if i'm having trouble or i'm busy- minimum is 2-4 days and max is weeks!

  • DMG
    19 years ago

    It doesn't take me too long to write a good poem. Usually by the time I get to write it down it will have been embedded in my mind for a while.

  • Unseen Exposure
    19 years ago

    It depends on the topic ... sometimes no longer than 20 minutes, other times it takes about an hour. But I guess it also depends on what the reader classifies as decent.