Is Abortion Wrong If You Have Been Raped??

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    We're not trying ot change your mind, simply tryin g to show you our point of view.
    A soul??? How can something that DOESNT EVEN BREATHE have a soul??? An unborn baby is simply part of the mother. It hardly even thinks about itself. So, is removing a breast OK if it is infected with cancer? In a way, removing a baby from the mother is just removing something "uneccessary" and actaully unwanted. No one ever has an abortion "just because".

  • in the realm of Chaos
    19 years ago

    ok, whats this i hear about animals not having souls???

    FINE, thats up to you to decide.

    but they're living, just like us. and arrogant ppl think that animals are just that: animals. but the thing is, humans are animals too. humans are below them.

    animals have never hurt or abused another animals, as humans do. animals dont rape other animals, as humans do. animals dont hate other animals, as humans do.

    animals dont discriminate, as humans do. animals dont lie, steal, beat, or torture/massacre other animals, as humans do..

    now tell me that humans are better.

  • charity
    19 years ago

    Animals do not have souls, it is instinct that they have, and Inna other animals hurt other animals.

  • Luvmeluvr
    19 years ago

    I think abortion is wrong, but I also think that in cases of rape, or incest that it should be ok. Killing a life is a horrible act, but would it be better to have a child born of incest that might be deformed or mentally handicapped? Is that fair to the child? And in cases of rape, the child could be hated and abused by the mother? Even if it isn't abused, how could a woman live her life raising a child she knew was born of an act of hatred? And I also know that you would think, what about adoption? But why should a woman have to go through the pain of birth after having to go through the pain of being raped? I think that is unfair to the rape victim. However, in all other cases I think that abortion is wrong, there is no reason to end a life unless it is extreme circumstances.

  • in the realm of Chaos
    19 years ago

    wait. .. why are we talking about animals in an abortion post?? ha ha ... crazy

    i dont think abortion is a wonderful thing to do. but at a last resort, it should be used. i think people can be trusted in having it legal. just b/c something is legal doesnt mean that everyone is gonna go out and do it. LOST OF WORSE THINGS ARE LEGAL

    and thats what i have to say


  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    I think abortion should be legal and is an amazing thing. Just because it would be legal, does not mean that everyone wouls have sex, get preganant and then get an abortion. Take this for example: I live in France, where the legal drinking age is 16. In the US it's 21! However, in France there are a whole lot less teenagers getting drunk because there isn't the "forbidden fruit" aspect.
    Another thing, I think a lot of the people saying that abortion is wrong are being extremely narrow-minded. Would you have an abortion if YOU were raped????

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    You said the crucial word. Choice. Yes, all our mothers did have the choice, so why can't some mothers have their choice?

  • in the realm of Chaos
    19 years ago

    wow i love ur post zoe!!!

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    Thank you...I am just wondering if you understood what I meant. I mean that since some had the choice to have their unborn children, why shouldn't some have the choice not to?

  • Alya
    19 years ago

    I think abortion is a bad thing to do and is a wrongful act...Yes..But in some circumstances abortion is acceptable.It is better not to have a baby then to have it and not be able to provide for it take good care of it, or simply abandon it.

  • Alya
    19 years ago

    One tiny detail I forgot to mention...Before talking about abortion there is Prevention...Evrn if(God prevents)you have been raped. There is a morning after can take it up to 72 (And more)hours after sex and it is 80% effective.So there....

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    Right. You said 80%. Not 100%. And sometimes, you don't KNOW you're pregnant. If you're raped, not everyone goes and tells. SOme people are "ashamed". And, if you DO use birth control, sometimes it doesn't work. So, of course, abstention is the best way but if you want to have sex, why not????

  • Czekalski
    19 years ago

    I have a friend that had an abortion...and she didn't think that her body was ready to carry a child yet. I do beleive that she was raped. I don't think that what she did was wrong, and I support her in everything she does.

  • lilhippyangel
    19 years ago

    adoption, yeah adoption is another choice, but what about all the kids out there that aren't adotped yet! Why add more! The choice is between the girl and her moral rights! Not a bunch of people!

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    I completely agree with Brittany and Sarah!

  • vanessarrr
    19 years ago

    wow... i've been dodging his thread for a while now and i still can't think of an answer.

    if you have been raped, then it'll be a pain to give birth to the baby whose father... you get the point. but then abortion IS murder. and if you're Catholic-you should know it's one of the Ten Commandments.

    i'm leaning to abortion is wrong but still...

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    I've already posted an answer to this in another post awhile ago. But Instead of trying to display my opinion i'll just say that I beilve it should be up the women. If her beilfs tell her its wrong then don't do it, if you feel like you will regret it in the future don't do it. If you feel like its the best choice for you and the baby do it. It should be up to the person who getting it. Thats just my 2 cents.

  • in the realm of Chaos
    19 years ago

    well put, jackie

  • Concealing Words
    19 years ago

    I am torn between it too, At first i think let the woman decide because there are circumstances where it was not her fault to get pregnant but.... i think allowing teenage girls to have an abortion behind their parents back is wrong. It teaches the kids to not take responsibility for themselves because they can have sex and opps if something happens just go and get an abortion, It is telling them there aways to get around being responsible. I knew people who worked at clinic and said that women would come in there every couple of months. they were pratically using abortion as their brith control, and that i think is wrong, But it would be too hard to say abortion is illegal but there are exceptions or vise versa. Keeping it legal but try to control it. it is too hard. I think it is ok because of rape, yes some people can keep the baby and turn a bad experieince into something beautiful, but some shouldn't have to deal with it. they shouldn't have to carry it, pregnancy is not easy, not at all. And because some people who chose to ahve sex honestly tried whatever they could to not get pregnant and still did. My friend was on the pill and used a condom and she got pregnant, She was being responsible but it still happened. So even after all of this I don't know. I want to say keep i legal but i now it will be abused, maybe we just need parents to do there job so girls won't be abusing it and taking the easy way out because they wanted pleasure.

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    Abortion is NOT one of the Ten Commandments!!! I am Jewish and for my Bat Mitvah, I did the parasha Yitro which is the Ten Commandments. So you are wrong. Anyway, how could it be? Abortion didn't exist long ago.

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    Thanks! It's true. Victoria, if you want to make statements in reference to the Bible or anything else for that matter, you really should check it up first. NO offense.

  • charity
    19 years ago

    I still think that abortion is wrong, Bob has an excellent example, it is just like letting a baby get hit by a tractor trailer. I trust in the Bible, it is all truth no lies...

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    HOw is it like l;etting a baby get hit by a tractor? That hurts. During abortion, the baby dies painlessly.

  • charity
    19 years ago

    How do you know that a baby dies painlessly? Nobody knows for sure.

  • Fireflower
    19 years ago

    I am totaly against abortion unless it applys with one of these circumstances...
    1. you've been raped and are under the age of 18
    2. it will more than likely kill you if you have the baby.
    Any other time though, you thought you were mature enough to have sex, so you're responsible enough to understand what sex leads to.

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    All of you are saying you are SO AGAINST abortions in all cases....But think about this...What if your father raped you and you got pregnant? Please don't get me wrong I HATE people who have abortions or do anything that could danger their baby but you have to think about the couple cases where a girl has to make a decision. Would you want to carry and birth a baby that your father made? Would you want to bring it up, looking at it every day knowing how it was made, or just give it away. Or carry it for nine months having to worry about it having some kind of defect because of incest? Think about it, abortion is NOT right, but it is also not wrong in all cases.

  • charity
    19 years ago

    Well, then put the baby up for adoption, or something, because if you have a abortion sometimes you might not be able to have a baby again. Well maybe under that circumstance, where a father rapes her daughter. But I still think that you should let the baby live and put it up for adoption.

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    It's a decision the woman needs to make....It's not for you to decide.

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago


  • charity
    19 years ago

    Well, I know that I cannot make that decision im just stating my opinion like everyone else.

  • charity
    19 years ago

    How about we leave it at.....There are some circmumstances where you can have abortion, since that is what alot of people are stating, I still think that if you got raped you shouldn't have an abortion, but if it was a family member then maybe yes. Because some of you say, well then the baby when it gets older will think that no one wants him/her, but actually that means that that person cares for them enough not to have an abortion and go through the pain of an abortion. But if you get raped all you have to do is go to the doctors and get yourself cleaned. That way you wouldn't have to know if you were pregnant or not, and alot of people who get raped dont become pregnant. ~~~~Charity

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    We aren't talking about the people who get raped and don't get pregnant. That's not the topic. There are so many reasons for a rape victim to have an abortion, whether it's right or wrong it's the decision of the woman. I am against abortion 100% but I have never been in the situation so I don't know how it is. You can't put limits on the different circumstances, it is what it is.

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    Oh....well to all the people that are against're lucky, because well, this president of ours is going to try his best to make it illegal.
    Another note: Charity, you said not having to go through the pain of abortion, but what about the pain of labor? Or the pain of nursing? Or the pain of people staring at you as you walk down the street as you hang your head in really isn't that easy.

  • charity
    19 years ago

    Zoe, if you have an abortion there is a big risk that you wont be able to have kids again, I know that some people get that anyway, but your making your risks even higher that is what I mean by pain. And when you get raped you can go to the doctors and get yourself cleaned. I know that it is not my choice for someone else, im just stating my opinion, like everyone else. I'm sorry if I offended anyone I didn't mean to. :(~~Charity

  • Angel Sanctuary ©
    19 years ago

    A women has a right to choose.... And i say if you were rapped by a family member then get an abortion.... Don't listen to the people who say no it's wrong... What do they know.. They're stuck on beliefs... Old traditions.... It's your life not theirs... And a women has a right to choose... It's your body.... You can choose to do what you want with it... No matter what anyone says... Do what you think is right... I think you should get an abortion if you were rapped....

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    Get cleaned???? getting cleaned doesn't stop you form having a baby, charity. Another thing, maybe a person is having an abortion because they don't want a baby and may never want can always adopt if you change your mind later.

  • charity
    19 years ago

    Zoe, I was just stating my opinion just like you are, and I said Im sorry if I offeneded anyone, so you sont have to get all defensive on me.

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    Isn't the point of a debate to say your opinion? I was defensively talking about mine.

  • Alya
    19 years ago

    I so agree with Megan!It is good in theory to think baby will be adopted but the truth is so little of all babys do !

  • charity
    19 years ago

    I know but it is better then killing the poor thing...~Charity~