meeting new people

  • olivia
    19 years ago

    hey im olivia im from florida as well .. what part r u from ?

  • olivia
    19 years ago

    hehe tampa here .. i have no idea where taht is from u lol..

  • olivia
    19 years ago

    actauly im not in school im 23 and im a stay at home mom.My sister tho is 17 and she used to go to hillsborough.Its nice to meet u too =).I love having ppl to talk to besides my son lol

  • olivia
    19 years ago

    my son is 2 =) hes a handful to say the least .Today doign bath timehe dropped teh whole towel in the tub while i was away a second -sigh- lol. U can ask nehting u want or u can email me its or aim koadicintalect

  • olivia
    19 years ago

    well i am married .. been with him since he was 17 me 20 so 3 yrs now ..and we have tooons of towels at home so its ok lol.Id liek to have a girl as well if we ever do were gonna name her nina my boy now is named nathan.. so ne guys in ur life??

  • olivia
    19 years ago

    awww sry ur guy jeff left wlel if u wanna know how he feels maybe u can ask him to find out.I am lucky thinsg have werked out 4 me considering we were yng when we started our family actaully we dated leik 2 mths b4 we were engaged and pregnant.It wa sa planned pregnancy if ur wondering =).I look backa nd im like holy hsit we moved fast but it seemed like we had been togethr waaaaay longer.We fight of course bu who doenst fight every cple goes thru that.He werks full time as a mechanic and i stay home with teh monster.Unfortuanly alot of guys are into just sex and nothing else but there is taht few who arent taht way and thats what u have to look 4.Im really realy hoping next is a girl even thoo i knw tehre worse than boys but id love to have one of each but its ok if turns out to b anotehr lil boy.Well ttyl -hugs-

  • olivia
    19 years ago

    ya wlel lol he better not have been liek screw kids is more of his decision ot begin with lol i would have been mad if he hapned to have a change of mind after the fact lol but it does happen.Lol i call my son a monster but hes a great gtrea kid hes soo good but he has his days as all kids do.Im potty training him now atm so tahts always fun lol.If u have aim u can im me at koadicintalect and ill show u some oics of him caus eim not sur ehow to add them her eon my profile.Thats good ur waitign 4 soem one special my hus wanst my 1st but i was his.Everytime i see him now after all this time eevrything stops and he still take smy breathe away and evry kiss is liek the very 1s time.We have a great relationship regardless of the disagreements.Its teh righ tthing to do to save it so u dont regret it kater.TTyl gotta eat dinner.-hugs-