The Old Testament in the Modern World

  • Lydia O
    19 years ago

    This subject is a continuation of another discussion that drifted way off topic so I decided to open a new topic here to continue the offshoot discussion. This began with a question as to whether it is bad to have sex during menstruation. It was pointed out by Keri that in the Bible this is forbidden. She was referring to passages in Leviticus 15:19-33 which, if anyone is interested, can be viewed at:

    There are a huge number of rigid rules on hygienic practices and dietary laws contained in the Torah. But they originated at a time (3000 B.C.E.?) when scientific knowledge was non-existent and sanitation was primitive. Such rules would definitely have been prudent safeguards against serious health risks existing then. But do you think they apply equally as well today and should they still be followed? My belief is that this whole set of laws doesn't directly relate to moral conduct or to an individual's relationship with God. And things like eating shellfish or pork are not real health risks today.

    If your viewpoint on this is based on religious convictions, I don't mean to challenge your beliefs. And I’m not a Bible scholar. This is a subject I have thought about, mostly from a viewpoint of practical considerations. I'd be interested in hearing what others might think.

  • Allen
    19 years ago

    Just re-posting my 3 cents from the other discussion to this place :D

    "Im a Christian and from what I've learnt is that when Jesus came to the world (new testament) things changed, and the laws written in the old testament became "out of date"... that's why you may find a number of things in the Bible contradicts each other... eg, the law of "an eye for an eye" vs "love your enemy"

    Yes, I do eat port and shellfish... and I don't sacrifice a lamb everytime I do something wrong... ;) I believe the Old Testament are records to show the history, God's might, while the New Testament are the teaching, shows God's grace....

  • PnQ Mod Account
    19 years ago

    exactly, Allen...most of the OT laws were done away with or redefined in the NT.

  • KiKi
    19 years ago

    what i think from what i've read of the bible is u know it exist so even if u havent read but u know that its there that u should do what it says because it promises an eternal life a world without death its said in apocolips 21:4 and if we want to live there we have to take in consideration evry word of the bible but like the sacrifices and an eye for eye things like that were taken away after jesus death.

  • Allen
    19 years ago

    Sierra, from what I know, there is NO such thing as "rules to follow to get in heaven"... I would say you just need to know, love and accept Jesus... you need to know what he did for you, love him with all your heart, and accept him as your savior... Im not the best person to talk to about Jesus and God... but Im sure soneone on here would be happy to fill in the gap :)

  • KiKi
    19 years ago

    hon, there is no such thing as hell um how can iexplain this in the bible when they talk about seol and hades it is actually meaning the tum i dont know how to spell but were ur burried. u see its not a literal place were ull burn.psalms 6:5 if u look up the word seol in a dictonary it is not hell were u born cause jesus went to the seol. and nother the bible says that god is a god of love do u reallly think god would let us burn alive. and im sorry allen but its not just believing that jesus is our savior he told us in matthew 28: 19, 20 to preach about him and god and buatize people in the name of god his and the holy spirit and thats what we must do. and SIERRA all the things in the bible ARE TRUE. some of the things that god tells us not to do are found in 1 corinthians 6:9, 10. u can e-mail me personally if u want more info. i know sum things but not alot. and also god forgives always remember that. oh and one more thign not everyone is going to heaven in apocolips 14:1 says that 144,000 will go and rule with jesus. but what will happen to the rest of us? well the bible promises us earth as a paradise. um Psalms 37: 10.11 and apocolips 21:4 the bible also promises that the dead will be resurected JOHN 5:28,29. UM THE PEOPLE THAT will go to heaven with jesus is mention also in 1 corinthians 15:20-22 and Romans 5:19. the ones that arent with him it is said in Rev. 20:4,5 13 if ur interstead post something back or e-mail me personally at

    Luv kiki

  • Allen
    19 years ago

    Hmm.... Kiki, sorry, Im not the most knowledgable Christian around, but I don't think the things written in the Revelation about the 144000 people should be taken as it is... to me its a prophesy and symbolise the future... like a puzzle and won't make 100% sense until the end of time... to say only 144000 people can go to Heaven is rediculous to me... but yeah, that's me ;) Oh yeah, but Kiki is right, Everything in the Bible are true :) Sierra, if you really want to find out more, email Kiki or myself... and we'll do the best we can to tell you what we know :)

  • KiKi
    19 years ago

    rry i didnt mean to be offensive and ur right we all have our own beliefes...but to me like you said allen revelation is a prophecy of the future most of it is symbolysz not litteral but if u examine it closelyy with othere text u see that some of it is explained. but then againg thats what i've been thought 8-) yes sierra e-mail us both and allen i would like to hear from u too to see what are some of ur believes. :-D

  • Allen
    19 years ago

    :) Like I said Kiki, Im not the most knowledgable Christian... I believe but sadly my faith is not very strong... I have yet to read the whole Bible :D still have half of the Old Testiment to go... if you don't mind, would it be okay to share with me your story of how you became a Christian?? I was born in a Christian family so no dramatic story from my side.... :(....

  • KiKi
    19 years ago

    SAME HERE!!!been raised a cristian since i was born..... im with u i have never read the whole bible im mostly reading it by chapters the one that i really enjoyed was Psalms!! it is so beutifull especially chapter 38 and chapter 36 i think i mean All of Psalms is beutifull theyre is this chapter i cant remember which one but it talks about the Lord being your Pastor u should check it out its amazing!!! it is god ur reading the bible though because its the perfect way to streghnt ur faith always remember what James 4:4 says get close to the Lord and He will get close to you......8-}

  • KiKi
    19 years ago

    ............hi?? :-S

  • Allen
    19 years ago

    Sorry Kiki, life's worry is getting the best of me lately... Life seems a bit pointless and God seems a bit distant... didn't really want to talk about faith... :( ... I actually haven't read the Bible for a long while, I've been trying to finish this book call "Purpose Driven Life"... have you heard of it?? It comes with the 40 days of purpose program that my church was running, I was supposed to finished the book about .... 1 month ago but here Im still half way through it :D

    I don't really have a favor chaper in Bible... I guess I always loved reading Revolution when I was younger, used to picture in my mind of what was written....

  • KiKi
    19 years ago

    oh allen god isnt distant from you. here are some of gods view points compared to ours i hope they help u:

    It's impossible.

    All things are possible.
    Luke 18:27

    I am loaded down.

    I will refresh you.
    Matt. 11:28-30

    Nobody really loves me.

    With a love to time indefinite I have loved you,
    Jer. 31:3

    I am weak.

    I will make you strong.
    1 Pet. 5:10

    I fall short in doing what is right

    Get up!
    Prov. 24:16

    I can't go on.

    I will give you power beyond what is normal.
    2 Cor. 4:7

    I can't figure things out.

    I will direct your steps
    Prov. 3:5-6

    I can't do it.

    You can do all things
    Phil. 4:13

    Sometimes I want to give up.

    Don't! Fight the fine fight of the faith!
    1 Tim. 6:11

    I'm not able.

    I am able.
    2 Cor. 9:8

    It's not worth it.

    It will be worth it.
    Ro. 8:28

    I feel unworthy.

    You are counted worthy.
    2 Thess. 1:5

    I have sinned.

    I am ready to forgive.
    Ps. 86:5

    I can't forgive myself.

    I forgive you in a large way.
    Isa. 55:7; Ro. 8:1; 1 Jo. 1:9

    My heart condemns me.

    I am greater than your heart.
    1 Jo. 3:19

    I can't manage.

    I will supply all your needs.
    Phil. 4:19

    I don't have enough faith.

    I've given everyone a measure of faith.
    Ro. 12:3; Matt. 7:7

    I'm afraid.

    I have not given you a spirit of fear; be strong.
    2 Tim 1:7; Isa. 35:4

    I'm always worried and frustrated.

    Cast all your cares on me.
    1 Pet. 5:7

    I'm not smart enough.

    I will give you wisdom generously.
    1 Cor. 1:30; 1:5

    I feel rejected.

    You are my servant and I have not rejected you.
    Isa. 41:9

    I feel abandoned.

    I will never leave you or forsake you.
    Heb. 13:5

    I am lonely.

    Do not be afraid, for I am with you.
    Isa. 41:10

    I feel helpless.

    I will fortify you. I will really help you.
    Isa. 41:11

    I am anxious over many things.

    Do not be anxious over anything.
    Phil. 4:6

    I am angry with myself or someone else.

    Let anger alone and leave rage.
    Ps. 37:8

    I cry a lot.

    Your tears are precious and are kept in my skin bottle.
    Ps. 56:8

    I have to make myself go in service.

    You will go back with a joyful cry.
    Ps. 126:5

    I'm not good at preaching.

    I will teach you.
    Luke 12: 11,12

    No one seems to care.

    I care for you.
    1 Pet. 5:7

    I feel lost.

    I found you.
    Luke 15:24

    I am hurt.

    Let it go.
    Eccl. 7:9

    I am depressed.

    I am right there with you.
    Ps. 34:18

    I am confused.

    Lean on me. I will make things straight.
    Prov. 3:6

    I don't know what to do.

    Listen to me. I will give you the wisdom.
    Prov. 2:1-5

    I feel worn out.

    Hope in me and you will regain power.
    Isa. 40:13

    I can't wait.

    Hang on a little while longer.
    Ps. 37:10

    For all the negative things we say to ourselves, God has a positive

    answer. This is something that we all need to reflect on periodically

    please take this in consideration and always remember god is with u always and forever i hope they are a bit of help!! ;-)

  • Allen
    19 years ago

    :) Thanks for that Kiki... I will keep those in mind :) I don't know, I think my level of faith has alway been much like a yoyo... up and down and up and down... but then again, isn't that the same with every body?? ...arrr.. enough of this... let me change the topic....

    Hey, I've heard "myth" or rumor about reincarnation and things as such... someone once told me that there was record in the Bible about such matter but was wiped out during the religious revolution... what's your view on this??

  • KiKi
    19 years ago

    hey allen i had tiped it all last night but the stupid thing loged me off so it got erased but im in hurry right now so i'll just write it tonight or later. bye

  • Allen
    19 years ago

    LOL, yes, that happens to me very often, so now I got in a habbit of copy what I wrote before I click the "post answer" button... I always get so annoyed when it happens... because that's when I do a HUGE answer... so huge that I don't really want to type out again :D