Needing Help I guess

  • lilhippyangel
    19 years ago

    I haven't cut myself in bout 2-3 months! I was doing really good until recently! I feel I need to do it just to get through me and my ex's break up! It's getting harder and harder! But I feel that If I do it again! I'm going to keep on doing it and I don't want to hurt anyone else! Any one got any suggestions?

  • lilhippyangel
    19 years ago

    I'm not thinking about cutting myself cuz of him, He was the reason for me stopping and now it's like that reason isn't there! You know! I write and I see three shrinks but it's like none of this shit is working! I started wearing rubberbands around my wrist! To snap when I get upset! Now my wrist are alll swolen! I just don't know what to do! I really don't want to keep doing this shit! My shrinks all think i'm not doing it cause I keep hiding it! I don't know! I guess just like everyone else I need a lil more work!