I'm just another pissed Kerry Supporter

  • Nicole
    19 years ago

    Pissed Dems. and/or Kerry supporters come here and feel free to vent. (I just wrote a poem called "4 More Years" which expresses my feelings and perspective)
    If you support Bush, also feel free to share your perspective.

  • МÅťťђĕш Яĕĩŋĕßĕřg
    19 years ago

    If you really think about it, we are in for four more years of the same thing. I don't really mind so much that he has won. Don't get me wrong, I am a Democrat, and I would have rather had Kerry in office than Bush again. Its not like things are getting extremely bad. Ok, we are losing jobs, and that stinks, but can federal laws really do anything about that? I know what is comming in these next four years, and I am a little pissed, but there's nothing to be done about it, and all we can do is anticipate 2008.