Is it possible

  • Aymon F
    19 years ago

    Is it possible to actually like cigarettes, or teh act of smoking, and not just the nicotine attached?

  • Allen
    19 years ago

    errr... try roll up some news paper, set fire to one end and smoke the other... I tried that when I was little, and didn't like that at all :D But why would you want to like smoking anyway?? its not good for you dude....

  • Aymon F
    19 years ago

    cause like, ive always like, liked the actualy smoking thign, i like to have something to do when im standing around doing nothing. and like, before i even had nicotine products, i smoked random things, and it was good.

  • Aymon F
    19 years ago

    I want to quit for my health but like, i think i actually like it. ANd i dont know if its just the nicotine messing with me. I hate being out of breath, and i hate offending people with the ashcan odor, but i like to have sumthing to do when i stand around, and i like the taste, or at least i think i do.

  • Ş∂ņďħy∂
    19 years ago

    I knew a person you struggled to stop smoking. HE was a chain smoker since 15-18 years. He started having candies instead of smoking! It sounds funny. But that helped him withstand the suffocating feeling while he was standing around. And it's been 10 -15 years since he stopped smoking! While we were children we used to feel so happy to go to him..because he always had candies with him! :). Take care of yourself.