
  • juss an allycat
    19 years ago

    is dat where they take ur tonsils out? i had that done when I was 5

  • juss an allycat
    19 years ago

    apparently it hurts less when ur a kid...

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    I had mine out a later age, I was 19 and I remember what it feels like. DO you want me to tell you the truth or do you want me to lie to you? They knock you out and that part doesn't hurt at all. They give you some nice medicine to coat the pain. Then later on is when it hits you. When you go to swollow its going to feel like razor blades down the back of your throat. You can't cough or sneeze because it pulls the muscals in your throat and your going to rather shoot yourself in teh head rather then feel the pain. I myself got another dose of medice, i dumped what I had in a bottle then said I dropped it and they gave me another bottle. I was in the navy though and don't know if that will work w/ regular pharmist. But its worht a try though. But yeah though its gunna hurt...........