• Melanie Mount
    17 years ago

    a couple of years ago i was a member on here, used a fake name, cant remember my password or username or email address used then. Cant even remember the titles of my poems....but!! i did add a topic on here, its on page 65, its called a poem about a car crash, but when i open it the page is blank :( if someone works out how i can access this info please let me know, or if anyone gets that page working, again let me know:D

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    17 years ago

    is it a poem entitled, "Jenny and the Car Crash" ? If that happens to be the poem, just look the title up on google and you will find a surmountable lot of information.

  • Melanie Mount
    17 years ago

    yer im not actually looking for that poem, looking for the topic place in which i asked, so that i can get what name i was writing poems under before :(

  • starsnsmiles
    17 years ago

    Surely you know what your email address was then? It's not that hard to remember soemthing like that; I know all the email addresses I've ever had.

    And Jenny and the Car Crash has been around a long time, I don't think anyone on here wrote it.

  • Melanie Mount
    17 years ago

    im not looking for that poem, just trying to access the page where i posted a request for it.

    And i know its not hard to remember, but i didnt use to have the internet at home so i used to post them at my friends house and used her internet and email, but i dont really know her anymore