Thoughts and Advice***********

  • Emily-xO
    19 years ago

    I am really inspired by amy lee. She writes her own lyrics and im really curious to know if anyone else writes song and if so what is you adivce on writing them?

  • Kia
    19 years ago

    i've started writing songs, and they are tough to do... but like poems u cant force anything u gotta let it come from your heart.

  • Amilo
    19 years ago

    Songs and poetry have a lot in common.... but it's best to think up of melodies first, then find words to fit them in... or as least that's what works best for me.

  • Mandy
    19 years ago

    amy lee is too depressing.

  • Pianist
    19 years ago

    Learn different music themes. Like aba, or abacba. If you can understand that. It helps to have a chorus though. It's a release from the verses, and it introduces you back into the new verse.

  • Chad Reamer
    19 years ago

    I just sit down with either a computer or a pencil and paper and just think about things that are going on in my life,like mostly about my love with my girlfriend.So just sit down and think about anything that is going on in your life and write about it.You can write about anything not just family or friends.Make a poem about a tree or something.

  • vanessarrr
    19 years ago

    my friend, if anything, is obsessed with amy lee. both of us write poems and stories but not songs, really. i think it's almost exactly the same as poetry. you need a subject and just let it grow and feel it within you... i dunno how to say it but when you're inspired, you'll see that the words just write themselves for you. did that help?

  • Daniel Rutter
    19 years ago

    I don't think so, She is hot....
    Anyway, Evanescence is cool, so just keep that writing going.

  • Chad Reamer
    19 years ago

    I am recently new to writing poetry and quotes.I was wondering if anyone who sees this would please look at my poems and quotes and rate them and leave me a comment on anyways to improve,because I really have a lot of fun writing poems and would like to get better.Thanks

  • Chad Reamer
    19 years ago

    This is to chad: its scutato i love u poems they mean so much to me you are my everything i love you