Are they all true???

  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    Well, my earliest poems are basically all true. It was heartbreak-ish thing. Now, I'm branching out into other sorts of poems,
    not only broken heart ones.

  • Shana
    19 years ago

    I am always so happy and I write really depressing poems, maybe I am happy because I wash away all my impurities in a sad poem. Is that understandable? lol Maybe I write about sadness because after I write them I feel so lucky that I am not as sad as my poems make me out to be?...

  • Ashlee Nicole
    19 years ago

    Ihave to agree with LIsa Marie at the top...Theres just so much sad stuff and it's way easier to complain about it....And no it's not odd to write about sad stuff more then happy..I do all the time..And no not all things people write on here is true...

  • lisa marie
    19 years ago

    I think it is easier to write sad stuff too. also people on this site seem to favor sad poems over happy ones.

  • Unseen Exposure
    19 years ago

    Most people don't write about being happy because the emotions aren't as strong, the feelings aren't as demeaning. But when it comes to sadness, it can be described and related to in so many different ways, and it's easier to write about. Usually when someone is happy, its because they're dependent on something else, and once they lose it, they're sad, because now they're forced to be independent, and they don't know how to deal with it. Plus, when you're happy, you're usually out doing something... therefore not having time for writing, but when you're depressed, you don't want to do anything, thus making indefinite time for writing.

  • Emilia
    19 years ago

    Some of my poems are true but not everyone...
    I usually wirte sad poems because I think I's esier..


  • joe
    19 years ago

    i just believe sadness tends to come easier

  • Jackie Prahl
    19 years ago

    I write all my poems and quotes from my life experences and feelings, I really dont know how someone can write something that is'nt true. Because when something is writen down in any way they could go on and it would not only be themselfs their lieing to but also everyone that reads it. Yes it can be fun to read things that are'nt true for instance if someone says they have found someone they want to be with for the rest of their lifes of course people are going to want to hear of it but if its not true what is there to say but to continue lieing and it ends up getting people into some interesting perdiciments that people are'nt exactly proud to admit. I hate it when people cant tell me the truth this is why I tell everyone with exceptions of parents the absolute truth, no matter how personal it is. I dont know if any one else feels the same way but In short I guess I'm trying to say write truthfully and speak the way you want to be spoken to. Write the truth becuse its so much more interesting than a lie like I do. Although I dont have anything agianst people who dont do the same. sorry if its confusing

  • joe
    19 years ago

    i dont fully agree with jackie, but i see her point
    ^^not fully, but almost!
    lol, =)

    (yall should go play the game on the board, thats fun)

  • SweetDreamer
    19 years ago

    I don't really know y its easier to write sad poems rather than happier ones, but I think sometimes people r just under the impression that poems with a sad subject with touch more people, or people might find it a lot better than some happy-go-lucky poem. I just tend to write what I feel, so most of mine are usually true, and if I've felt really happy, then I'll probably be able to write about it.
