Are you going to stay pure untill marrige?

  • vanessarrr
    19 years ago

    yeah. i agree with that but u never know... i do want to wait until the right guy comes (after marriage) but just think if he turns out to be the wrong guy. i don't know... just a thought...

  • miss scooby
    19 years ago

    Hmmm, well i can understand your beleifs but I don't think staying pure to marriage is my beleif, well actually i am not pure, and i dont regret it because there is something you can give your man that no other has before and that is your heart and your hand in marriage. well just my opinion
    take care

  • hisbabygirl14
    19 years ago

    I agree with you Jessica. I am going to stay pure till marriage. It's hard in this peer pressure controlled world, but with a strong will, I am going to make it.

  • miss scooby
    19 years ago

    HMMMM, waste is on someone who doesnt deserve it????....i dont quite understand that comment, i mean if you feel that you are ready and wanting to give it up...whats the problem?, i dont know i understand you guys beleifs beleive me i do because i had that beleif too once, and when the right one comes along then yah your right you will have something to give em, but really i dont think a marriage is based on giving anyone anything except love and respect, there are sooo many factors in staying pure and i am glad you girls feel that way it's nice to know that our generation these days still seem to be old fashion and like you said pure!

  • .x.PorteR.x.
    19 years ago

    yeah same i'm gonna stay pure till marriage...

  • ElegantlyWasted
    19 years ago

    Well if i never get married then i guess i'm screwed. Well technically i'd be not screwed cause well yeah ok.


  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    I don't see it as being "pure". I see it as a new and exciting thing. I am trying to stay a virgin until marriage because I have a sort of psychological problem and I want to see if I actually CAN staY a virgin until marriage. However, if I feel that I am ready, well then, I guess, why not?

  • Lydia O
    19 years ago

    What is purity?? I was married before and my husband lost his life while he was still young. Would that mean that I am impure now?

    I am in a relationship now that is almost certain to lead to marriage next year. We are committed to abstaining from sex until we are married. This was NOT a decision primarily based on religious convictions, fear of pregnancy or STD’s. For me, I believe this is a constructive and realistic approach to the ultimate success of our relationship. During our time leading up to marriage, I want our priorities to be in sharing communication, companionship, friendship, fun and romance in ways through which we will continue to develop a better understanding of each other. It takes a very long time to really get to know someone thoroughly. I want to have every confidence in knowing that we are mutually suited to share our lives together. What I don’t want is to risk the chance that our judgement and vision may become clouded by feelings of hormone-fueled euphoria or emotional bonding resulting from sexual intimacy. Sharing sex does alter a relationship and has a tendency to quickly become the highest priority in the relationship. Of course I want us to share the joy of that kind of physical intimacy after our wedding. But until then I really want to be guided by my head as well as my heart.

    This is one of several important things that we thoroughly discussed right at the very beginning of our relationship. We recently spent nearly three weeks traveling together. Remaining abstinent during this time hasn’t exactly been easy, especially since both of us have been married before. But all worthwhile goals require a disciplined effort to achieve.

  • speculative_scene
    19 years ago

    i believe you should test the water before jumping in

  • Casey
    19 years ago

    Idk what im gonna do, but i definately know i want to wait till atleast college. From there, i'll just wing it

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    I had sex with my husband the same day we met, were married now though. Our relationship is amazing, the communication couldn't be better, and were both happy.

    It depends on the person I guess...
    I also beilve I was pure within myself. I don't have to prove to a "god" or beilve that is morally wrong. As long as I feel that it's ok then, its "pure".