Need help with Faded Pictures by William Vaughn Moody

  • Kanbi
    17 years ago


    Can somebody tell me what form of poetry it is. My English teacher guesses that it's a free verse but I'm not sure. If anybody could help please.

  • Corinne
    17 years ago

    I've looked up the form, which seems to be ABBA, and one site said it was a variant of the Ballad form. A Rhyme Royal has 7 lines, so it can't be that.

  • Corinne
    17 years ago

    How is it a limerick sluvious? (I just want to understand)

    Well, here's another take on what it is:


    In Memoriam Stanza- this form was used by Tennyson in his poem "In Memoriam" and is an envelope stanza written in iambic tetrameter (four feet). From "In Memoriam"

    But I agree - it's not free verse

    (just took out the text per #3 of the Rules & guidelines - you already had the link posted anyway)

  • Kanbi
    17 years ago

    Thanks for the help you guys!