Check Out Morgan Boyd

  • Lipton
    19 years ago

    I don't think Morgan actually LEFT... I believe he just changed his name to, "Killer of Time."

    ~Ciao Lipton

    PS: I agree, Sunny!

  • miss scooby
    19 years ago

    Well, Morgan...I personally thought you were better then this. Don't you beleive in not listening to what people say. If guandi had listened to the people who tried to make his life hell, and hurt him do you think he would be the same person he is known today, or if Mother thereasa gave up her hope in the peace of the you think she would be a saint?'s the things you want the most in your life or enjoy the most in your life that require you to work hard for them. Yay so what people left rude comments and so on and so forth, if your boss is rude are you going to tell him never to speak of you because he is rude and so on. No of course not you suck it up and deal with it. You got a lot of talent kid...and don't throw it away because someone is doubting you or doesn't like it...or they are harrassing your friends..not all people will like your words but thats what makes it so much fun...think of it as motivation to show them and prove to yourself...your something better....and DON'T give someone the satisfaction of whatching you leave because in the end they will win...but hey...i guess you made your mind up already....I guess it would be easier to reinvent of time...LOL but thats the difference between me and 99.9% of people. I fight for the things i want and i live to see challenges...."Life is hard but without the hard times it would be to easy to call life" wouldn't it?
    don't give up so easily

    well, i said my peice...ahah see i am supose to be god i am no good at getting better.and i question why i am so sick .lol
    take care

  • miss scooby
    19 years ago

    Well, alright morgan. I wish yah luck and am glad your still writing. However, you made a comment up there saying that you are leaving because people were making rude comments to members on the site. I know it isn't my business but see Sunny she is good people...and i take offense to your comment you made towards her....She has an oppinion just like anyone else. Sunny is a LOVELY lady...and yah mabey she doesnt no whats going on but neither do i...and you didnt tell me you didnt give a "Fuck" what I said.
    take care