its off the topic but read and give your opinioin please

  • ♥x__Pwincess danii//
    19 years ago


    hey, life is OK i suppose, i don't want your sympathy,i don't suit a happy life, i feel weird, like i need 2 escape this hell and live like i want to. it's weird, do you understand what I'm trying to say? probably not but hey who cares. everyone puts me down, its life you get used to it after a while, i like being alone, no one there to disturb you, i love it. i feel like i can be me and not anything that anyone else wants me to be. HELLO WAKE UP. i am fat open your eyes, thats why i don't eat, i h8 my body, i just h8 me, why cant i be some one else, a pretty, skinny nice person, not the fat ugly ***** that i am. i want to get sick, just sore and useless. not eating isn't stupid. what has every1 got against anorexic and bulimic people. give them a break man, people call people anorexic n thats heaps insulting to people that aren't(they are just really skinny) people with eating disorders have a bad enough life without other people ****ING it up even more for them. crying does nothing, just hurts you. don't cry over me. I'm not worth it, funny, i know. people laugh but hey go ahead laugh i don't give a ****, I'm not the one thats gonna get it, **** people piss me off. they can laugh all they want, see if i care, my life's already ****ED up, it cant get much worse. NO MATTER HOW BAD LIFE IS, U CANT FEEL SORRY FOR YOURSELF. IT CAN ONLY GET WORSE. remember.............. i don't want your sympathy, no offense.

    love ya bye



  • Janine
    19 years ago

    i reckon its sympathetic if u didn't wnta it why would u point it out

  • Janine
    19 years ago

    so ur point....its not a poem or anythin so it doesn't neeed to be put there she just wants peoples opinions

  • Erica Brown©
    19 years ago

    You know I don't see the big deal out of all of this. She just sent you something. She is obviously depressed. Help her or something. She needs help...

  • Janine
    19 years ago

    the point is if she doesn't want sympathy why she shoutin it out to everyone?....if she doesn't want attention why she sendin the email to my sis in the first place?

    and if she wanted our "help" why not ask in stead making us feel so called "sympathetic for her"

    and shes the one making her self depressed putting her self down callin her self fat when shes onli 45 kilos seriosuly heaps of people weigh more then that wats she tryin to say....that their fat too

  • ♥x__Pwincess danii//
    19 years ago

    yea i wieghed he same as her in the beging of the year then i gained moe and she lost some and now she is saying she is a fat slob and... it offends me because i went thourgh a stage of not eating bla bla bla all that shit and she thinks she is fat wen she is like oen of the skiniets and well... think of all the other people she is offending as well as me

    19 years ago

    Agreed with broken smile. There's nothing wrong with weight, and bloody hell why do people care so much? I'm stick skinny and stay that way no matter what I eat. I'd love to be curvy, but I'm happy the way I am. I eat healthy, work out a bit, I'm happy. Why can't other people be too?

  • Janine
    19 years ago

    i neeed sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

  • Sinister Soire
    19 years ago

    im a guy so this isnt really my area of knowledge, but to me it sounds like she has been reading alot of peoples sad poetry and wanted to get noticed by pretending to not be noticed, which may involve hurting alot! of people, seriously if you care i would talk to her and tell her that here friends are the best thing she can have if shes feeling sad and that if anything she needs to be pulling them closer... not sure what else but whatever

  • ♥x__Pwincess danii//
    19 years ago

    hey guys thanks for all your opinons (there are sure alot of different ones) let me tell you why i am so mad about the whole thing... ok at the begning of the year one of my best friends told me tht she cut herself and i had done it presviously and thought i was alone it that situation and then i admtted i knew what it was like and we talked and really helped each other and somehow it got around to aimee that we cut and she would called us stupid adn tell us to stop and stuff like that and then one day she come to school with the cuts ( or should i say scrathes) and was like showing everyone but not telling them why she did it .... and now she told her best friends sister which is defiately a cry fro attention... if she asked for help i would help her but she isn't she is asking the oppisete not sypmthy and claiming there is nothing wrong with what she is doing... but there is... she brings a STANLEY knife to school everyday and shows everyone that she uses it and i am sick of it all... ( i kinda blame myself and that girl who told me because if we admit it then she never would have stated it) but thats life isn't it... listen people i know i am not goin to change your opinon and you prbaly all htink i am a real bitch for posting it up here but she need to wake up to herself and grow up attention isn't something you bring yourself pain for! (sorry about such a long post)
    ~hugz & kissez~