Need some Help!!

  • Jessx3
    19 years ago

    Okay..I have this "friend" her name is Sara and we've known each other for 8 yrs...we used to be like sisters when we were smaller. But know since I'm gettin older I'm startin to hang out w/these girls that are kinda preppy. Everybody thinks that she's weird. But I dont wanna call her that b/c both of our familys is really good friends. Now she's gottin to be soo bad. With like being a 'BAD GIRL'...and i'm not really like that...its like now my brothers even call her mean names and everything. My b/f hates her and she says my b/f is stupid and now i'm gettin to the point were i'm not likeing her anymore...she still thinks that i'm the same and that i want to be her friend and i'm really confused......what should I do???

  • ♥x__Pwincess danii//
    19 years ago

    well ask herself... do you really think seh is worth all the confusion.. if you asnwer is no then forget her if not then talk to her about everytihn talking helps... trust me

  • C.Blondy
    19 years ago

    I agree with her figure out your priorites and then go from there if you think she is worth it then don't let go I've been in the same situations if you are ment to be friends then it will work out and your bond will be even stronger. You can always hang out with two different groups and if your b/f doesn't like your other friend excpectilly your life long friends then maybe she is the one not worth the pain of loosing Sara for.