Comments : Drop's Whose Meanings Change

  • 16 years ago

    by The Queen

    I aBsOluTeLy lOve tHis PieCe, tHe chOosiNg oF wOrdz expReSsed hOw exTreMeLy sAd aNd lOneLy yOu aRe rIghT nOw, aNd hOw yOu miSs tHat trUe aFfectiOn frOm/fOr sOmeOne.ThE fLow wAs niCe, bUt i've gOt tO sAy, i tHinK sTanZas aNd punCtuAtiOns, wOuld grEatLy eAse tHe RhyThm oF thIs PieCe..ThiS iS abSoLuteLy a mOving PieCe eVentHougH iTs a SaD oNe...

    WeLL dOne...yOu're a GoOd wriTer..