Comments : Spring Bubbles (Etheree)

  • 15 years ago


    "serene winds blow kisses
    of passion on timid leaves"

    Loving the imagery in this. You have executed this style perfectly! Keep it up!

  • 15 years ago

    by Corinne

    THis is really lovely Luanne. It has such a hopeful, spring-like tone - It makes me feel good to read it :-)

  • 15 years ago

    by The Prince

    I like the form; I think it works with nature poems more than others, perhaps? Just my opinion?
    Anyway, I loved the images in this piece.

    'beneath eyes of dusk'

    The narration was simple and so were the descriptions - not too complex, which really wouldn't work with this sort of form.

    'serene winds blow kisses
    of passion on timid leaves'

    Loved this couplet, and how you made it almost romantic with the 'passion' linking nicely with the 'timid leaves', gives them character as such. You're not just describing them.

    I liked how you ended it too, with the reference to the title. Not much more to say, liked the idea, and the execution. :)

  • 15 years ago

    by Nee

    You just make me deeply love the Etheree =))
    I so very much love each and every part of this piece. and not to mention that I don't read a lot of poems about nature here.

    Lovely Penned Luu =)
    Love you !

  • 15 years ago

    by Melpomene


    I'm a fan of Etheree and when I read this piece you reminded me that I have a love for them. I got tired of reading them because the ones i've been reading lately always seem to have an off balance flow but not this one. Thank you for showing me the joy of reading an Etheree once again.

    The imagery you used was so lovely. You created some unique pictures into my mind. Alot of nature poems focus on the same things. Flowers for example and you seem to read about colours and how they sit so still ect. Not you, you created something totally different and I truely adored this. I felt like I was a child following the leaves as they entered into a field watching such beauty. You really intrigued me here.

    "serene winds blow kisses
    of passion on timid leaves"

    These were by far my favorite lines of your poem. Wonderfully written with so much passion for nature.

    Overall this was a lovely poem. Well done. -Mel